Mitchell and Webb Monday: Homeopathic ER -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Do not worry, Kids in the Hall Monday isn’t going anywhere. I just felt like spicing things up today.

The problem with Mitchell and Webb, right, is that while when they’re on they are spot flipping banged around on, but when they’re smug and didactic and insufferable they are the actual poster boys for smug, didactic and insufferable (David Mitchell’s Soapbox series is a case in point).

This one walks right up to the line (“But when someone comes in with a vague sense of unease or a touch of the nerves or even just more money than sense, you’ll be there for them, with a bottle of basically just water in one hand, and a huge invoice in the other”) but stays on the right side (“Get me a bit of blue Ford Mondeo and dilute it in water!”).

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