Toast Points For The Week Of January 30th -The Toast

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Has it already been a week since we saw the first painting of women gleefully murdering men? How time does its time-y thing.

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Apply something cold to the top of your uterus and something warm to the bottom. Like the most basic of single celled organisms, the baby will instinctually move towards the warmth, unless they’ve already succumbed to reverse psychology, in which case, try the other way around.”


A fat woman being loved and getting laid

“Something has gone terribly wrong with the earth’s orbit, but modern gender roles are still pretty much intact”: How to tell if you are in a soft science fiction novel.

Nicole Chung on friendship and race:

“At first it’s probably not obvious that you are their only nonwhite friend. Maybe you can’t remember them hanging out with any people of color except for you, but you don’t know all the people they know.”

Turns out there are only like nineteen possible feelings and I found them all. Goodbye.

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