Five Common Health Myths, Debunked And Then Gently Caressed -The Toast

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5. Becomes rich in potassium, manganese, and fiber

4. Botanically a berry

3. Easier to peel

2. When packed in crates, often harbors stowaways like the Brazilian Wandering Spider

1. Generally picked green, and allowed to ripen in special rooms upon arrival in the destination country

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5. You can get it from whispering

4. Connor is whispering to you right now

3. You have any choice in whether Connor whispers to you or not

2. Connor has chosen you for something very special

1. Don’t tell the others

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2. No

1. We’re sorry, we’re so sorry, please don’t be angry with us, we just had to see you again and we didn’t know how else to get your attention

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7. Find one of those artists who writes people’s names on a grain of sand at street festivals and ask about his hourly rates

6. They need thirty days’ notice under most state rental laws

5. If it’s not delivered to the queen herself it’s not considered legally binding – do NOT just pass it off to one of the winged alates with sexual characteristics

4. Won’t you come in and see the queen

3. The queen is grateful to you for your service and has a favor she would like to ask but she is too shy

2. Won’t you come closer so that she can whisper it to you

1. There is no male like you in the Colony. No one else is worthy of her. Will you –? You will? Good. You will bring her a great deal of pleasure, and when you die, the Sterile Bards will compose songs about your service to her.

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7. The Flesh Desert

6. Kirk

5. Police tape

4. Your hands

3. “The Gorge”

2. Mmm better not touch that either

1. Bone City

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