Toast Points for November 23rd – 25th -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Hello, dear Toasties. Early and abbreviated Toast Points this week, as we won’t be posting much over the holiday weekend — but there will be an open thread and some classic posts from days of Toast past, so don’t despair.

This week at The Toast, the ladies came back. (They always come back.)

“Your gaze lingers for no appreciable reason” and other Signs You’re About To Be In a A Gay Subplot In A Period Drama

“It is…profoundly disturbing to imply that adopted kids should feel lucky to be alive, which is exactly how it felt every time my grandmother (or religion teacher, or other various and sundry well-intentioned commenters) spouted off some iteration of ‘your birthmother chose life.'”

Songs from a Leonard Cohen Album in Which Nothing is a Metaphor for Depression, Oral Sex or God

Tea is pretty great as far as hot beverages go.


I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year, and it will be neither a large nor grand affair, but other people are already signed up to bring pies and I’d love some suggestions for non-pie fall (or not-fall, idc) desserts you find to be especially ?. A very happy Thanksgiving to all who’ll be celebrating! I’m so thankful for you, Toast.

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