To understand Petra and Jane, we have to first look at who connects them: Rafael. Or rather, what draws them to Rafael, for often ill-advised romances stem from trying to find in someone else what you yourself struggle to grow in yourself.
For Jane, it’s pretty simple: Rafael represents a romanticism that she denies herself in her life through her ruthless practicality, which partly stems from her worry about repeating her mother’s mistakes.
For Petra, it’s because she wants someone to love her.
Petra’s life is full of people who don’t love her – her manipulative mother, her abusive ex-boyfriends – even hot mess Luisa looks down on her. The cruelty of this is that Petra loves most of these people deeply, wholeheartedly. But her vulnerability is constantly crushed under other egos – under toxic masculinity, insecure love, the dispassionate desire to own her soul. Petra loves Rafael because he’s simply the only one on the list who loved her passionately and openly, without wanting anything back except for her love. Yes, it started badly, with him stealing her from a terrible fiancé, and ended badly, with their love cracking like an egg against reality. But Rafael was always kind to her and she mourns that, especially after pulling away from her manipulative mother, who, while manipulative (and, you know, in jail for assault), was the only other person who ever knew or listened to her.
Jane loves deeply but she is also beloved herself, and feels worthy of love in a way that Petra doesn’t. When we pick our partners, we also pick our family. Jane’s family is a jackpot of kindness and caring – and exactly what Petra yearns for, though she has trouble acknowledging or even understanding this. Jane’s problem is that she constantly tries to throw off her romanticism and make it someone else’s responsibility to absolve her of the guilt of being romantic in the first place. Take it from a romantic – the biggest problem with being one is being in denial about it.
So when Rafael calls Jane a writer, it evokes in her the validation that every dreamer with unrealized potential hungers for. Jane doesn’t really want Rafael; she wants to take a risk, a leap that could help her realize her dreams, without suffering through the practicality of the situation. She isn’t drawn to Rafael because he’s rich, but his privilege does make it easy for him to automatically support Jane’s dreams. Jane tries to be a TV writer and a romance writer in the series, and she shows great potential. Rafael encourages her in both, and this is nothing to sneeze at – but he does little else except encourage. What Jane truly needs, besides support, is practical, ruthlessly logical advice and help. Rafael encourages her to follow her dreams, but what Jane needs is a way to accomplish her dreams.
That’s where Petra would come in. Michael tries his best, but he has little resourcefulness for a dream that’s powered by hope and chance; he’s a Hufflepuff at heart. (While Rafael comes from a family of Slytherins, he’s a classic Sirius Black case – a Gryffindor at heart.) Petra is scheming, cunning, clever, a Slytherin to the core. Jane’s work ethic and intelligence could make her a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw, which, paired with a Slytherin, is a lethal, take-over-the-world combination. But, more importantly than that: it would make them both happy.
This hypothesis is also partly supported by their one scene alone together: Jane comforting a crying Petra on the stairwell.
Such a quick scene, and yet Petra is startlingly vulnerable with Jane. While the narrator often intercedes in scenes to say what the character’s are thinking, he leaves this scene relatively alone when they talk. Jane even makes Petra laugh through her tears! And defends her when Rafael speaks ill of her! And gives her an idea for her next scheme, of course.
Imagine that within the context of their relationship: Petra, finally able to be vulnerable with someone who will treat her heart with care and appreciate her love; Jane, coming to Petra for advice when someone is cruel to her, or when she’s too sweet to comprehend politics at work — because with Petra on her side, she can take her dreams seriously and find a career that makes use of both her strengths and her aspirations. Imagine Petra, enacting the perfect defense against the neighbors playing loud music that both cows them into being more respectful of Jane’s time and make them fight to be Jane’s friend in the process. Imagine Jane, talking to Petra about the differences between their families, about what family love could really be like in their future together. Petra, always right beside Jane to fight whoever’s in her beloved’s path of world-changing hard work; Jane, always at Petra’s side, able to listen wholeheartedly and appreciate all the soft, tender parts of Petra she’s buried beneath her mountains of defenses.
How might it happen? By Jane and Petra bonding during yet another moment of truth for Petra. By Petra advising Jane without even thinking about what’s in it for her. By more small, hidden, treasured moments that balloon into regularity and, eventually, necessity. By Rafael leaving both Jane and Petra well enough alone so he can sort out his conflicted feelings about his best friend/criminal Roman Zazo (but that’s another essay). And, finally, by these two women realizing that the passion and effort they’re lavishing on the man set between them could be put to better use if they looked past him – and at each other.
Sulagna Misra writes about the weird things that pop into her head when she's not paying attention. She's on Twitter so she can not pay attention more effectively.
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lilsebastian01 151p · 485 weeks ago
nicole_44 107p · 485 weeks ago
nicolescchung 141p · 485 weeks ago
BobOfSeals 138p · 485 weeks ago
Petra deserves this! Maybe it's the hypnotic power of her huge eyes or the fact that she can pull off formal shorts but I think she is so great.
Man, the arguments and make up sex these two would have. W H E W.
nicolescchung 141p · 485 weeks ago
BobOfSeals 138p · 485 weeks ago
mkpatter 114p · 485 weeks ago
ppyajunebug 137p · 485 weeks ago
nicolescchung 141p · 485 weeks ago
"JANE, you don't understannnnnd how hard it is to be A WEALTHY MAN OF BUSINESS"
hapsatou 113p · 485 weeks ago
Lilylees · 471 weeks ago
grumblyqueer 139p · 485 weeks ago
What is the point of long drawn-out love triangles when you can see who's best for each other from a mile away?
hawthorn_tree 99p · 485 weeks ago
Marizane 114p · 485 weeks ago
I will say this: I find Jane so hypnotically beautiful, that whenever she is talking to pretty much literally anyone, all I want is for her to just lean forward and kiss them. So you could put Jane together with ANYONE and I’d nod vigorously.
v_d_budenmayer 127p · 485 weeks ago
anthemyst 125p · 485 weeks ago
I assume this article was written before Season 2, which is really kicking the Jane/Petra relationship up about ten notches so far. In the latest episode, when Jane gets off the phone with Petra saying, "I...think Petra just asked me out on a date" and then it cuts to Petra smiling to herself and saying, "She said yes!" ughhhhhhh my heart melted forever.
Sulagna Misra · 485 weeks ago
TheRenleigh 110p · 485 weeks ago
hapsatou 113p · 485 weeks ago
notebook-keeper 99p · 485 weeks ago
ladyj1131 114p · 485 weeks ago
naglayaxuliganka 108p · 485 weeks ago
avidbiologist · 485 weeks ago
Unrelatedly (or perhaps relatedly), how is everyone's lipstick/lip gloss/whatever game so good in this series??? It's the only time I've ever watched TV and been like "DANG these women's lips are AMAZING"
Nimona 125p · 485 weeks ago
Courtney · 485 weeks ago
angrypedestrian 135p · 485 weeks ago
Part of me just wants Petra to have a nice friend, because she needs a nice friend, but the rest of me is like "Nah, make it GAY."
chaarulatha 131p · 485 weeks ago
Also wanted to add that Rafael is completely useless. Luisa is the superior Solano. She is the Solano we deserve. And I feel like Michael and Petra would make a great couple? They have this bickering thing going in that's really funny and cute.
This show is so, so full of warmth without being schmaltzy i don't even know how they pull it off. I'm so glad it exists, I was getting tired of all the Nihilist Bro shows.
Sulagna Misra · 485 weeks ago
Remember when she met Roman's not-actually-twin-but-actually-him? In the beginning I was like "FINALLY A NICE BOY FOR PETRA!" but then I realized it was her most obvious vulnerability.
chaarulatha 131p · 485 weeks ago
also Michael + Rogelio is the best.
And Rafael is an absolute piece of shit to Luisa and it makes me want to kill him
naglayaxuliganka 108p · 485 weeks ago
hapsatou 113p · 485 weeks ago
stirringsofconsciousness 117p · 485 weeks ago
anthemyst 125p · 485 weeks ago
chaarulatha 131p · 485 weeks ago
Megan · 485 weeks ago
stirringsofconsciousness 117p · 485 weeks ago
Brb writing fanfiction forever.
Digs · 485 weeks ago
Obviously, Jane and Michael are the Morning couple, and Raf and Petra are the Evening couple, so they don't sleep together, and since there is obviously no carnal passion between either of those couples in the first place and only misdirected brother- and sisterly love and deep emotional need (abubububup! shh!) this is perfect.
Obviously everyone in this marriage is completely, head-over-heels nutbar about Jane, because so is every living person in the universe. A dangerously unbalanced sedoretu, to begin. Indeed. But consider:
- Michael, BEGRUDGING and SULKY mensch to the end, decides that what he has to do to make Jane happy (and perhaps glimpse once more that transformed, radiant Rafael who clasped him so tightly on the eve of Mateo's safe return?!) is fix half of Rafael's codependent relationship with his hotel by getting him some actually competent upper-level management staff so that like 80% more problems can be effectively delegated. To do this he teams up with PETRA who he still kind of can't stand and they spend a lot of time noticing how PROFESSIONAL and EFFICIENT their BUTTS are while SNIPING between INTERVIEWS; Petra vociferously maintaining all the while that none of this is going to help, because Rafael is addicted to the drama of handling every crisis himself; finally Michael snaps, "If you hate him so much, why are you having his baby?" --- and Petra --- her veneer of ease starts to crumple, she looks so sad and tired, Michael hasn't asked how the nausea has been and she hasn't said a word about it --- snaps it right back up. "Go back to lacrosse practice, Michael," she says, voice perfectly flat and bored. "I heard they're setting up the beer pong table." And Michael starts to laugh, and laugh, and she's staring at him, bewildered, and then he leans in and kisses her in just a really nice way, and then they make out!!!!!
- Meanwhile Raf is atoning for his sins by spending a lot of time not complaining about anything while he helps Jane with Mateo, and he's also spending a lot of time actually thinking about his dead father and absentee mother, and it's really emotionally vulnerable, and he's holding a baby for a lot of it, so Jane is pretty much a goner and they fall in love for real as real fleshed-out people because they actually have really similar values, he's just super fucked up, and the writers' room feels bad about their choices.
- I don't know how Raf and Michael are going to reconcile themselves to being in a super complicated four-person marriage but it's gonna be sooooo good right? So awkward. So much weird "bro" time slash jealousy about laydeez slash sexual intensity slash begrudging admiration. Slash.
anthemyst 125p · 485 weeks ago
Robert M. · 485 weeks ago
(I'm also an infrequent, lurky sort of commenter unmasking for this conversation, because JANE.)
Michael's one redeeming characteristic is that he's nice to Jane, but otherwise he's violent, clingy, and prone to suspicion. The guy has long-term trouble written on him from his forehead to his feet.
Meanwhile, Rafael shares Michael's redeeming feature without the drawbacks, and he's also wealthy and good-looking. But he's such a *doofus*! He's been over his head in literally everything he's done on-screen except for mommy-and-me classes with Mateo. And Jane deserves better than spending her life micromanaging a beautiful, bland doofus.
teerexington · 485 weeks ago
Hoolia · 485 weeks ago
B. They absolutely need to pursue a strong friendship between Jane and Petra, at the very least. They are gold together; it would be so good for both of them and also really funny. I actually like Rafael, and I think he hasn't had a fair chance at all what with all the issues he's had to deal with, but neither of these ladies needs to be wasting time on a romance with him. Petra, because she torched and sunk that ship when she had an affair with his best friend and then used his semen sample against his will...twice...and Jane because she has a baby and school and a career to launch and she does not need to be committing to one man (or woman, or anyone) forever and ever at this stage of her life. It bugs me that Michael and Rafael are so desperate for her to pick them and I'm like "DUDES! You're older! You're in a different stage of life! Maybe YOU are ready to settle down, but Jane is younger than you and has some more youth freedom living to do, baby or not! Let her live her life!"
alliana07 128p · 485 weeks ago
hapsatou 113p · 485 weeks ago
mkpatter 114p · 485 weeks ago
SalmnChaseUtley 100p · 485 weeks ago
Siana720 136p · 485 weeks ago
al3ab-banat01 87p · 463 weeks ago
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