Ayn Rand Rewrites

The modern world needs a dose of Ayn Rand on a regular basis, and I for one am going to see to it that we get one. (Ayn Rand loves fan fiction.)

  1. Previously in this series: The adventures of Madeline. A long way out in the deep blue sea there lived a fish. Not just an ordinary fish, but the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean. His scales were every shade of blue and green and purple, with sparkling silver scales among them. He had not yet learned to value himself, which means: He had not yet learned to fight for his happiness. The…

  2. Rumors and legends abound about The Wizard of Oz, one of the most famous productions in Hollywood history. Let us help you separate fact from fiction with a list of some of the most surprising things your parents never told you about The Wizard of Oz. 11. Over the years, careful viewers have noticed the suicide of a despondent cast member who played one of the Munchkins in the background of the final reprise of "We're Off…

  3. Sharpay Evans: [to Fulton] I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body! "It is fear that drives [the hippies] to seek the warmth, the protection, the safety of a herd. When they speak of merging themselves into a "greater whole," it is their fear that they hope to drown in the undemanding waves of unfastidious human bodies - and what they hope to fish out of that pool is the…

  4. "All proper human interactions are win-win; that’s why the parties decide to engage in them. It’s not the Henry Fords and Steve Jobs who exploit people. It’s the Al Capones and Bernie Madoffs. Voluntary trade, without force or fraud, is the exchange of value for value, to mutual benefit. In trade, both parties gain. Each particular individual in the community who contributed to a man’s rise to wealth was paid at the time–either materially…

  5. happy birthday Oh, Dag you remembered I got you something you did? that's so sweet I got you the greatest gift one human being can offer another person you didn't have to do that what is it? I have achieved something Oh, gosh well I made an achievement all by myself and no one can touch it or sully it with their dirty jealous fingers and no one can take it away from me, never…