Words That Should Actually Be Banned -The Toast

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DSC_13231. Female when used to refer to a human woman.

2. Crazy when used to refer to your ex-girlfriend(s). They cannot all be crazy. Maybe it’s just you.

3. Bitch, in nearly every context, but particularly if you are referring to your romantic partner, a woman you don’t like, a woman who has spurned you, or really, any woman at all. Also, when gratuitously used in music ie: “Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe,” or “That’s how you let the beat build bitch,” or “I see two of my bitches in the club.”

4. Censorship, the cry of, when you have said something offensive and then resent that your offense hasn’t been warmly embraced.

5. Fat/Ugly as a rejoinder to a woman having an opinion with which you disagree.

6. Actually, if you intend to “correct” or “explain” something you have deemed yourself an expert on.

7. Joke, just a, when you use humor as a guise for pettiness, inadequacy, and hatred.


**Feel free to add other words we should ban in the comments!



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LOL as a way to end a sentence instead of a period, especially when you haven't said anything funny.
4 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Honest, I'm just being.
3 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Politically correct, especially when used to derisively refer to standards of decency you feel inconvenienced by.
11 replies · active 534 weeks ago
wa7trel's avatar

wa7trel · 535 weeks ago

Feminazi. Please.
3 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Wife of ______, as a phrase used as the first identifier when introducing a woman, particularly in a written news story.
10 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Ugh, my roommate's Italian boyfriend (recently moved to the states from Milan for his PHD, endlessly amused by the vagaries of American idioms), has taken to adding "bitch!" or "bitches!" to the end of an unreasonable amount of his sentences. It's getting so, so old, so, so quickly.
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you for including female. Whenever a student uses this word, I want to scream about how we are not a specimen to be studied in a lab. But usually and perhaps shamefully I don't say anything, because i don't know how to verbalize my reason for this dislike in a calm way.
17 replies · active 534 weeks ago
kellyography's avatar

kellyography · 535 weeks ago

Basically this: http://xkcd.com/1357/
1 reply · active 534 weeks ago
Marxism when used to refer to anything except actual Marxism, see e.g. "Cultural Marxism."
7 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Overreacting, when used by a member of a non-marginalized group to refer to the response of a member of a marginalized group.
--> "Found Footage" as applied to movies
--> "The <any letter here>-word"
--> "Person of interest" instead of "suspect"
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Wrong way, don't take this the, when there's only one way to take it and that's the insulting way.
The intentional misspelling of a slur to make it "acceptable" in standard conversation. (c.f. "ghey")
9 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Feminazi, since using it violates Godwin's law and demonstrates a willful ignorance of feminism, which disqualifies you from the conversation on the internet or with reasonable people.
Offshoot of 4: Cries of "Free Speech!" unless you are actually being hauled away by the authorities.
Also "woman" as adjective, or am I the only one who is bothered by that?
44 replies · active 534 weeks ago
re: female: I'm sure you're right, it's just that I started using "female" when I was playing an MMO where my character wasn't human and somehow it started bleeding into my actual vocabulary.

Also, "male" instead of man just feels right sometimes.
4 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Whenever someone (anyone) uses "females" I always ask "Female whats?"
3 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"To be honest" unless you are making the point that you are not habitually honest.
1 reply · active 534 weeks ago
This might be controversial, but I would love to ban 'strong woman', at least when used by men. Because have you ever heard anyone say "He's such a strong man?" or "I love strong men?".
9 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Friendzone," for 'it's not an actual real thing, you assholes' reasons.
14 replies · active 534 weeks ago
If they weren't at least a little crazy, why would they ever have gone out with me?
"Over-sensitive/sensitive/too sensitive" when referring to a woman (and some men) who are merely expressing feelings, usually of the hurt variety.

"Objective" when it comes to columns and other forms of journalism and opinion-making that dare suggest something ain't right.

"I'm just being honest" when you're just being an asshole.

"I'm going to play the devil's advocate" when you're just going to be contrary for no reason than to be an asshole. Also, an annoying corruption of the original Church function.
12 replies · active 534 weeks ago
MovableBookLady's avatar

MovableBookLady · 535 weeks ago

Perhaps we could turn it around on them and use "male" instead of "man" in all instances. Point out that if he's going to base his speech to us on biology only, then so will we. You male, you! He's just a male; that's how they are, you know. And so forth.
1 reply · active 534 weeks ago
"To be honest" unless you are making the point that you are not habitually honest.
4 replies · active 534 weeks ago
I use the word bitch all the time, but that is because I have one of these:

"How is my sweet bitch?"
8 replies · active 534 weeks ago
beyonce pad thai's avatar

beyonce pad thai · 535 weeks ago


Just because you don't like being called out on something doesn't mean you get to dismiss it as tumblr-activism, sjw, whatever! I'm not even on tumblr!
"Why Don't They Just"
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Not a specific word/phrase, but I think we should have a convention that you never analogize human beings to animals or anything inanimate. It's a bad road to go down, and the analogies are never even helpful.
4 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Girly," when used to imply that being like a girl is a bad thing.
"Slut", "whore", "skank" or any other word used derogatorily to shame a woman for not adhering to another's standards of propriety.
lindsayan's avatar

lindsayan · 535 weeks ago

BASIC, esp. when paired with "bitch," but always when it is just another category of women deemed not-worthy-of-taking-seriously-based-on-something-arbitrary-like-pumpkin-spice-latte-consumption.
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Excellence". I hate "excellence" and the pursuit thereof. See below... http://conradbrunstrom.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/p...
Calm down/shrill/hormonal/any other variant of hysterical, especially when used to dismiss the anger of a person who has less social, economic, or political power than you do.
7 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Friendly reminder" in the subject of a passive aggressive work email and "hiiiiii" to start a gchat asking for a favor from someone you haven't spoken to in months
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
Race card: in any situation by any human being. Its only purpose is to dismiss fact and/or differing opinions. It is used in place of "sit down and shut up." Unacceptable.
1 reply · active 534 weeks ago
"Devil's Advocate"
"I'm not a racist, but..."
"I'm sorry, but...."
"Well actually..."
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"I'm sorry that you took offense."

12 replies · active 534 weeks ago
I'd like to keep "female" but require that it be spelled with at least three e's.
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
I think this is funny, and perhaps true. The phenomenon of which you speak, however, seems quite real when you are romantically attracted to someone who doesn't share your romantic feelings, but who has platonic feelings for you. In this scenario, you remain in the platonic relationship which you wish was a romantic relationship because of the hope that the others feelings will morph from platonic to romantic. And, there really isn't a worse feeling than being told by someone with whom you have a romantic interest that, "you are such a good friend."
12 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Man up"
2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
One of the guys, she's just
"gets the girl" - as in, "In the end, he gets the girl."

3 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"Last time I checked"

Bullshit you actually are regularly checking on this issue, bro. Bullshit you've ever even checked ONCE. You are just trying to assert the authority of the popular status quo.
Just a Stay at Home Mom. No mom just stays at home. Ever.

I've been guilty of referring to myself as such and afterwards, I'm immediately overcome with a desire to impale myself on a sharp spear of self loathing.

Help me out here people, what's a good term for a woman that doesn't have a paycheck attached to her 24/7 job?
15 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"But it really is just a joke! I didn't realize you were so sensi..."

2 replies · active 534 weeks ago
"I'm so depressed/bipolar/OCD" when you are not in fact suffering from any of these medical conditions.
6 replies · active 534 weeks ago
I'm sure it's been mentioned elsewhere, but could I please submit "Social Justice Warrior?"

That is, until a band of internet troll/bigot smashing do-gooders officially christens themselves the Social Justice Warriors and they have snazzy costumes and snappy catchphrases and a jammin' theme song. Then it's all good.
8 replies · active 534 weeks ago

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