Women Resisting Heterosexuality In Western Art History -The Toast

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Home: The Toast


oh, a dog!
oh. a man.


what’s got you so happy, darling
what are you smiling about?
my hat
my beautiful hat over there


not me not me not me please God not me let him pick anyone but me, not me, not me, not me


what i need
is a throne so big
i can’t see any men from it


maybe it won’t be so bad
getting married
maybe it w —


if I played my cards right
I think I could make it look like an accident


wouldn’t you find it easier if we danced the normal way?
face to face, i mean
oh no 
i always dance this way 
i always have to look at something else when i’m dancing


what’s that
I said, I —
oh no
i’m sorry
i simply can’t hear you 
my hat’s on too tight 
you’ll have to talk to someone else
why don’t you go talk to George
he hasn’t got on any hats at all


at last
they were so close to their goal they could almost taste it —
a dress so big that men couldn’t get close enough to talk to them


her own drink
a cigar
and no one  —
she found herself starting at every sound, as if someone was going to come and take her solitude from her


she envied the cat
as only a woman who was never left alone could


i don’t know
it’s fine
they’re all fine
i have to get back to running my abbey now


“what if this wall weren’t here,” she thought suddenly to herself in horror 
“he’d probably step right over”
“i probably wouldn’t even be able to finish my book in peace”


not so much fun now, is it
not so much fucking fun when you’re the one who has to listen to the lute for fucking hours, is it


yes that’s very weaving
very interesting while i’m trying to weave here, i mean


thank you!!
thank you so much for the grapes that’s so sweet
you can just leave them here and go
i can take it from here, grape-wise

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