Toast Points For The Week Of January 23rd -The Toast

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death8More than usual, this was truly the week that was. Who can forget the things this week brought us?

You’re not dying, demigods in Renaissance-era painting! You’re fine! WALK IT OFF.

May the “A Meat-Processing Professional Reviews Movies” series never end:

The inciting incident for the voluntary system is revealed to be an elderly man, Gilliam, performing self-amputation with a knife. This will not stand. Perhaps Mr. Joon-ho believes that his own arm is as soft and boneless as a well-aged steak, but I should hope he knows better about the rest of humanity! The removal of limbs requires specialised tools, and a severing of bone and sinew. Without access to these, Mr. Gilliam is at a severe disadvantage. The removal of his limb would have been an extremely long and, presumably, painful process–nothing like the inspiring moment of high drama that is implied. Yet with a suitable axe or bone saw, the problem could have been solved. I would suggest that Mr. Joon-ho does his research next time he talks about removing limbs!

How To Explore A Graveyard

WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED that in a week I wrote both “Misandrist Lullabies” and “Next on Black Mirror,” the mild teasing at the expense of a moderately popular show about technology would be the more controversial of the two? Not I, my friends.

Another lovely, affecting entry in our Seasonal Depression series: “How does one explain the window is the problem? I sit by the window, and I watch the cold and the dark take over the world every day as I age under fluorescent waves of sadness. All I can do is count the days until March.”


This week also saw the first Texts From… entry since the book launch, this time featuring the Dashwoods &co. from Sense and Sensibility:

i just want you to know
for whatever it’s worth
that i really did love you

I thank you, Willoughby
that does mean a great deal to —
and honestly
after i seduced and abandoned that teenage girl
you were for absolutely sure my number one choice of wife
after i left that fifteen-year-old to raise my illegitimate child by herself
you were the respectable woman i wanted to leave her for

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