Toast Points for the Week of June 5th -The Toast

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Hi Toast-friends, how was your week? Mine has been fun, a week for reconnecting with old friends — on Monday night I got together with my friend Amy, who I had not seen in so many years that we just agreed from the outset not to even talk about it/how old we are now, and tonight I’m hoping to reunite with a friend who left the area for school and has since returned. It was also a wonderful week here at The Toast; you remember it well, I’m sure, but let’s relive it together:

Every Scottish Novel Ever


“It’s unfair for sure that it is a more loaded situation for us as actors of color. But being an actor is such a weird job already.”

I really, really loved Liana Finck’s gorgeous comic about a visit to the Museum of Modern Art following a breakup.

“Lovers have come and gone over the years; parents have rejected and broken our hearts. But we are family, and we will never be alone.”

If Prince Were Your Boyfriend

If Serena Williams Were Your Girlfriend

“When people ask what’s wrong with you, be cheeky. ‘I have Dead-On-The-Prairie Syndrome’ or ‘I’ve got the vapors’ or ‘My humours are out of balance.'”

I know The Butter is its own glorious entity, but if I may suggest a pat of Butter along with your Toast Points? You should definitely read Kemi Alabi’s “The Names of Things” if you’ve not already.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

How to Tell if You are in a Shakespearean History Play

And echoing o’er the cracked tile, the clunking whine of a Weazel Ball
Caged before the Kay-Bee Toys, forever tumbling.
O Weazel Ball, tumble on! Bold weasel, never canst thou clasp thy prize!
“Ode on an Abandoned Shopping Mall”


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