The Toast’s Tolkien correspondent, Austin Gilkeson, previously told us of his legal battle with the Tolkien estate, which was a marvelous piece of satire whose satiric nature was largely lost on Reddit. It is also one of Nicole’s favourite pieces of all time, so please go read it.
J.R.R. Tolkien may have been the epitome of the tweed-wearing, pipe-smoking Oxford don, but his books have inspired a lot of heavy metal over the decades, from Megadeth’s “This Day We Fight!” to Blind Guardian’s Nightfall in Middle Earth. This is not only because The Lord of the Rings is the preeminent fantasy of our time, but also because a lot of people die in Tolkien’s stories, and a lot of the times when they die it’s metal as hell. This is your definitive guide to the hardest trips to Mandos in all three ages.
13.) Gollum
Gollum bit off a dude’s finger and fell into a volcano. That’s metal, but ranks last on this list because anyone in our own mundane world with teeth, lava, a death wish, and a finger could go out the same way.
12.) Túrin Turambar
Túrin committed suicide by impaling himself on his sentient black sword, a sword forged from a meteorite by a Dark Elf. That is metal. He did so after killing the first dragon, Glaurung. That is really metal. Unfortunately, Túrin gets points docked since the main reason he killed himself was that he realized he’d married his own sister. Granted, he’d been tricked into marrying his own sister by a dragon, but still. Accidental incest is not metal.
11.) Boromir
Boromir got shot full of arrows by the Uruk-hai in his futile attempt to save Merry and Pippin from being captured. That is a tragic and noble death, but only adequately metal for Middle-earth.
10.) Elendil and Gil-galad
Elendil and Gil-galad died while taking out Sauron. Biting it in the middle of defeating a Dark Lord is very metal, but they rank low because: (1) There were two of them, (2) Sauron came back eventually, and (3) In the prologue of Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring movie, Sauron easily kills Elendil and it’s his son Isildur who defeats the Dark Lord. Peter Jackson gave fucking Kili a more metal death in the last Hobbit movie. That’s not really Elendil and Gil-galad’s fault, but if you want to rank higher on this list, your death needs to be so metal no filmmaker could possibly resist depicting it, let alone give a better death scene to a sexy dwarf.
9.) Ecthelion
Let’s talk about Balrogs. Balrogs were fire-spirits corrupted by Morgoth, the first Dark Lord and Tolkien’s stand-in for Satan. Most people think of Balrogs as the fallen angels and demons of Middle-earth. But they’re even more metal than that. In Tolkien’s legendarium, the Sun is a fire-spirit who did not fall. Which means two things: (1) Our Sun is a Balrog, and (2) Taking on a Balrog is a surefire way to get violently inducted into Mandos’s most metal hall.
The elf-warrior Ecthelion and the Lord of Balrogs, Gothmog, killed each other in single combat during the fall of the elvish city Gondolin. Ecthelion gets major metal points for dying in battle against the Sun’s evil cousin. But he loses points for location: he and Gothmog fought and died in a fountain. Fountains are delightful, not metal. Ecthelion should have stopped the battle and suggested they move to a more suitably metal place, like a volcano or a fjord. A demon-lord called Gothmog would surely have agreed.
8.) Lúthien
Lúthien’s life was indisputably metal. She conquered the Isle of Werewolves from Sauron. She disguised herself as a vampire, snuck into Morgoth’s infernal fortress, knocked the Dark Lord out cold, and stole a Silmaril from his crown. She eventually died of old age on a beautiful forest island. That’s the least metal way to die possible, but what lands her on this list is that she died at all. Lúthien was half elf/half Maia, and so could have lived forever in Middle-earth or the Blessed Realm of Valinor. Instead, she chose to gamble on the “gift of man” and shuffled off this mortal coil with her mortal lover Beren. Her descendent Arwen would later make the same choice to be with Viggo Mortensen, but Lúthien was the first person to choose Death over an eternity of heavenly light, spring festivals, and harp music. That’s metal.
7.) Huan, the Hound of Valinor
Huan was a big, friendly dog who helped Beren and Lúthien in their adventures, and was only permitted to speak three times in life. That sounds more whimsical than metal, but Huan was also prophesied to die in battle with the mightiest wolf to ever walk the earth. It’s never said who made this prophecy, but somehow almost everyone in Middle-earth knew it, which suggests that Huan was so metal people took one look at him and thought, “Only the mightiest wolf to ever walk the earth can kill this dog.”
Huan fulfilled his fate when he died fighting Carcharoth, a giant hell-wolf that guarded the gates of Morgoth’s realm and had been driven insane after swallowing a Silmaril. Just before dying, Huan used his third and final time to speak to say farewell to Beren. Presumably, had he been allowed a fourth time, he would have said, “This is so fucking metal.”
6.) Ungoliant
A Maia spirit who took the shape of a gigantic spider, Ungoliant ate light, vomited darkness, and served none but her own insatiable hunger. Some believe Ungoliant was originally the primordial spirit of night, though given her actions, it seems more likely she was the primordial spirit of metal. Ungoliant destroyed the two trees of Valinor that gave light to the ancient world, and nearly ate Morgoth himself after he went back on a deal with her. After spawning Shelob and other giant spiders, she fled to the south of the world and eventually devoured herself like an arachnid ouroboros. Her death was equal parts horrific, ironic, and metal.
5.) Finrod
King Finrod of Nargothrond died after killing a werewolf barehanded. He did this in a dungeon in Sauron’s fortress on the Isle of Werewolves. Just dying of natural causes in a Dark Lord’s dungeon in a place called the “Isle of Werewolves” would be metal enough to get you on this list, but doing so while killing a werewolf with your hands gets you in the top five.
4.) Glorfindel
During the sack of Gondolin, the elf-warrior Glorfindel saved a group of refugees from a Balrog by wrestling the demon off a cliff. Glorfindel’s death was so metal that the gods-like Valar let him come back to life and live in Middle-earth again (in the books, he’s the one who saves Frodo from the Ringwraiths in Fellowship of the Ring). He’s the only elf we know of granted that favor, probably because he’d become too metal for the turgid bliss of the Blessed Realm.
3.) Gandalf the Grey
Gandalf the Grey, like Glorfindel, wrestled a Balrog into an abyss. What makes Gandalf even more metal than Glorfindel is that Gandalf did not stop there. After grappling the demon down a seemingly bottomless pit, Gandalf fought the demon in a subterranean lake, through a lightless labyrinth populated by unspeakable monsters, up the tallest staircase ever, and finally on a mountain peak. Gandalf died after he, “Threw down my enemy… and broke the mountain-side where he smote it in his ruin,” which is the most metal line in the entire trilogy, and possibly all of English literature. Gandalf’s death was so metal he came back to life a different fucking color.
2.) Fëanor
Fëanor was the mightiest and most talented of the elves, and also their biggest asshole. He created the Silmarils, holy jewels that captured the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. But when Morgoth stole the Silmarils, Fëanor rebelled against the Valar and led his people into exile in Middle-earth. He did this by killing many of his fellow elves, stealing their ships, and then setting those ships on fire just to be a dick. Fëanor was an asshole, but he soon died in a way fitting the most colossal asshole in Middle-earth’s history. While Ecthelion, Glorfindel, and Gandalf all bit the dust fighting individual Balrogs, Fëanor died in battle with a platoon of them. Not only that, his spirit was so fierce it incinerated his body as it left him. That’s so metal I am literally crying as I write this.
1.) Fingolfin
Fingolfin rode alone to the doors of Angband, Morgoth’s fortress, and called the Dark Lord out to fight in single combat. So metal was Fingolfin’s challenge that Morgoth had no choice but to accept. The elf-king wounded Morgoth seven times before Morgoth smashed him with Grond, the Hammer of the Underworld. As he died, Fingolfin managed to stab Morgoth one last time in the foot, a wound that gave the Dark Lord a limp ever after. Fingolfin’s body was then borne away in honor by the biggest eagle in the world.
In layman’s terms, Fingolfin rode to the gates of hell, fought Lucifer in single combat, and permanently maimed the Devil. Tolkien wrote that the Elves made no songs of that battle because their grief was too great, though had they known about electric guitars and power chords, they might have given it a shot. Still, the Song of Fingolfin remains the greatest metal song yet unsung.
J. Longo is a freelance Illustrator & Storyboard Artist in Brooklyn, NY. His work can be seen at JLongoArt.com as well as on Instagram.
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ppyajunebug 137p · 509 weeks ago
also this is a great post and you should feel good about it
thezlot 120p · 509 weeks ago
ktamas2 87p · 509 weeks ago
(I will show myself out...)
kirpunz 123p · 509 weeks ago
GruntledDave 115p · 509 weeks ago
Thanks to both of you. My day is much more metal now.
thewhelk 139p · 509 weeks ago
TheasyPeasy 129p · 509 weeks ago
ramina 119p · 509 weeks ago
summerestherson 113p · 509 weeks ago
Sean_Sullivan 142p · 509 weeks ago
[Rain of power chords]
[Guitar solo]
RuncibleSpoon 107p · 509 weeks ago
meanchelled 134p · 509 weeks ago
+ Lúthien was the first person to choose Death over an eternity of heavenly light, spring festivals, and harp music. That’s metal.
+ which suggests that Huan was so metal people took one look at him and thought, “Only the mightiest wolf to ever walk the earth can kill this dog.”
+ Gandalf’s death was so metal he came back to life a different fucking color.
+ Fëanor was the mightiest and most talented of the elves, and also their biggest asshole.
Alli525 111p · 509 weeks ago
UnquenchableThirst · 509 weeks ago
walrathem 106p · 509 weeks ago
I love this sentence SO MUCH.
katmarie13 98p · 509 weeks ago
He gleams like a star
And the sound of his horn's
Like a raging storm
Proudly the high lord
Challenges doom
Lord of slaves he cries
So very metal...
liesandperfidy 158p · 509 weeks ago
But sometimes, you need to step back, recalibrate, and bow down to the king in his tweed coat. None more metal.
I love this article on so many levels.
mbculver 114p · 509 weeks ago
cosetthetable 121p · 509 weeks ago
which was a marvelous piece of satire whose satiric nature was largely lost on Reddit.
I..... what? what???? The previous piece was brilliant, lovely, wonderful.......... but the satire was...... blatant.
This was not those of us who read The Princess Bride at an impressionable age where the original Morgenstern is supposed to be really hard to find so maybe it's a weird plausible thing and god knows how many European fiefdoms there were and I knew my middle and high school history was pretty spotty and maybe Florin was a real thing. Those of us who had a moment's doubt (or, in some cases, more than a moment's doubt) can be excused.
But... you're saying that there were people on Reddit who.... what? Thought hobbits and elves really existed, and the Vatican has been involved in a(nother) vast conspiracy to keep this info hidden?????????
.... I'm going to need to walk this one off before I can actually read this piece.
JGlows 120p · 509 weeks ago
Nononononononononononononono the sun and moon were created by Varda out of the last fruits of the Two Trees. Silmarillion page 99 Chapter 11 Of The Sun And Moon and the Hiding of Valinor.
Also, Turin's sword talked to him and said it was happy to take his life in vengeance for his former master and that is metal as hell.
CleverManka 143p · 509 weeks ago
Nah, that's just good sense.
deleted7541601 123p · 509 weeks ago
Pedro Turambar · 509 weeks ago
I really need to translate this to portuguese. Can i? With all the credits, of course.
bighairnoheart 123p · 509 weeks ago
deleted9457019 106p · 509 weeks ago
welltemperedwriter 107p · 509 weeks ago
simoneblatt 106p · 509 weeks ago
Wheelrider 74p · 509 weeks ago
Can you (or someone) please write a companion article about all the metal bands who take names from Tolkien? (There are a LOT.)
Loaded_Dice 87p · 509 weeks ago
caelyd · 509 weeks ago
Could we put a spot in for the Lady of Hithlum "I'll Light My Own Pyre to Valhalla" Aerin?
Alex Schindler · 509 weeks ago
And even Blind Guardian themselves can scarcely top the Curse of Fëanor among their most metal songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFAskJN4YKE
To quibble, I think there are few things more metal than an Oedipal death orchestrated by the malice of Morgoth after dragonslaying. Have the hands of Aulë fashioned aught more metal than the Mormegil?
And I'm a bit surprised to see the fiery demise of Denethor in his madness missing, or the Shakespearean twist that lays low the Witch-King of Angmar!
("MacDuff was from his mother's womb untimely ripp'd," which is of course the inspiration for Rohan's most metal shieldmaiden dialing the prophetic irony up to eleven here:)
"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."
Still, it's a great list. I would add one more recent passing, if a bit of a non-sequitur. I mean Sir Christopher Lee, CBE, CStJ.
Is there anything more metal than giving a voice to the honey-tipped tongue of Saruman the White in your eighties, releasing two metal albums into your nineties, and generally towering over all that is metal in the world after a century of classified special ops, vampire and monster roles, dark wizardry, Sith darkness, and spreading the blood of the Saxon man?
He was tall as Tuor, his voice deep as the abyss of Ulmo, his lineage aristocratic as Aragorn's. May we all be this metal at 93. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvKRbi2ovDY
m/ Saruman m/
Haley_Illogical 108p · 509 weeks ago
redheadedwolf 115p · 508 weeks ago
Favorite bits:
Fountains are delightful, not metal.
Gandalf’s death was so metal he came back to life a different fucking color.
Fingolfin’s body was then borne away in honor by the biggest eagle in the world.
In layman’s terms, Fingolfin rode to the gates of hell, fought Lucifer in single combat, and permanently maimed the Devil.
brb, posting this everywhere.
OH, I'm also super pleased that Luthien made the list.
Unreadaethel 127p · 508 weeks ago
That's actually the most metal line in literature, sry.
Zarenimizxax · 508 weeks ago
More metal points requested for Ecthelion.
Balrog City · 508 weeks ago
Arien is the helmswoman of the Sun, and the way it's alternately sulking and frying around here at the moment, she could well be a Balrog.
The most metal line in literature is probably "That I do believe", spoken by Turin Turambar after somebody tells his there's a curse on the family of Hurin. But it's the moment when there is a country wide power cut, the stage has blown down and they are trying to get the fans out from under the wreckage. Perhaps safer not to go there ...
Or possibly Arwen: "I must indeed abide the doom of Men, whether I will or I nill, the loss and the silence." But that's maybe beyond Metal, unless played by Black Sabbath.
This was sent us by a mild mannered postmistress from the West Country, who is a lot more metal than she at first appears!
Clark · 508 weeks ago
pseudomona 127p · 508 weeks ago
I have one pressing question, though: Is a print of Jason Longo's depiction of Tolkein shredding available for purchase? It needs to be in my house.
Debo · 508 weeks ago
joylkmus 126p · 508 weeks ago
deixis 0p · 508 weeks ago
“At last Fingon stood alone with his guard dead about him; and he fought with Gothmog, until another Balrog came behind and cast a thong of fire about him. Then Gothmog hewed him with his black axe, and a white flame sprang up from the helm of Fingon as it was cloven. Thus fell the High King of the Noldor; and they beat him into the dust with their maces; and his banner, blue and silver, they trod into the mire of his blood.”
FightsWithIvy · 508 weeks ago
Keith Hock · 508 weeks ago
derekcaelin 0p · 508 weeks ago
Jeff · 508 weeks ago
Lisamarie · 508 weeks ago
saffiedarling 94p · 508 weeks ago
TragedyTrousers · 508 weeks ago
Turin in the Eru Bar, says, "I lived a metal life. Despair and tragedy. Bleak and black."
"After killing one of their best warriors, I became captain of a band of violent outlaws called the wolf-folk."
""But do they call me Turin the Most Metal? No."
"I slaughtered my best, most loyal friend, mistaking him for an enemy. I lost my sanity, frenzied with grief."
""But do they call me Turin the Most Metal? No."
"I *committed suicide* by impaling myself on my evil sentient jet black sword, a sword forged from a meteorite by a Dark Elf."
""But do they call me Turin the Most Metal? No."
"Me and my whole family were cursed by the Satanic dark lord Morgoth, his words being: *'my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair. Wherever they go, evil shall arise. Whenever they speak, their words shall bring ill counsel. Whatsoever they do shall turn against them. They shall die without hope, cursing both life and death'*".
""But do they call me Turin the Most Metal? No!"
"Ya fuck **one** sister..."
alexlykke 0p · 508 weeks ago
alexlykke 0p · 508 weeks ago
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