Two Monks Discover How Tall Women And Horses Are -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

Previously: Two monks invent religious iconography.

MONK #1: what’s inside of a dog
MONK #2: hmm?
MONK #1: like how would I draw a dog, and what it’s made of
MONK #2: oh oh gotcha
red strings and nothing



MONK #1: okay so I know that knights and horses go together
like in wartime
MONK #2: right
MONK #1: but how is that arranged, exactly
like how does it look when they go into battle
MONK #2: oh that’s easy
the knight stands perfectly still and the horse bumps him with its nose from behind
MONK #1: really?
MONK #2: yeah
MONK #1: seems like it would make more sense for the knight to ride on the horse
or at least for them to both walk side by side
MONK #2: yeah i mean
it takes forever but who are we to judge



MONK #1: what does it look like when people fish
MONK #2: ok so the first thing to remember is that most boats have room for two people and that’s it
think door-sized
MONK #1: ok got it
MONK #2: but what makes it REALLY challenging is that they only look for fish the size of their boat
MONK #1: how do they fit the fish in their boat then?
MONK #2: oh, they don’t
fishing’s impossible
MONK #1: innnnteresting
MONK #2: yeah then they just send out two or three of their smallest friends to jump on the fish until they swim away, super intimidated
it’s all about reminding the ocean that we can jump on fish
more than catching and eating the fish
do you know what i mean
MONK #1: totally



MONK #1: how tall are most women
MONK #2: tower sized but normal heads
MONK #1: cool thank you
MONK #2: here to help
MONK #1: ooh while i have you though
most dogs look –
MONK #2: emotionally destroyed
MONK #1: got it, ty



MONK #1: how does a battle look like
MONK #2: mm what do you mean
MONK #1: like how many horses are there
MONK #2: one
MONK #1: is that it?
MONK #2: yeah
they call him the war horse and everyone rides him at the same time



MONK #1: what do women do when men aren’t around
MONK #2: sit around naked in a tiny stone cage and knife unicorns, i bet
MONK #1: yeah
me too, i bet
i bet that’s what they do a lot



MONK #1: what’s the easiest way to fit someone into a cauldron
like if you were going to boil them alive for sinning or whatever
MONK #2: hmm
that’s a good question
MONK #1: because i was thinking just like, feet first
MONK #2: i can see why you would think that
but i’d actually say it’s laterally, after you’ve bent them backwards in half like a horseshoe
so they’re wider than the cauldron itself and impossible to fit in
MONK #1: oh that makes sense
MONK #2: thats how i’d do it anyhow



MONK #1: do knights EVER ride their horses
MONK #2: oh sure
all the time
like for hunting especially
MONK #1: ok how does that work
MONK #2: you ride very quickly away from whatever you’re hunting
and turn back to throw discs of food at it
until you can’t see it anymore and it’s totally full
that’s what hunting is



MONK #1: how does battle work, exactly
MONK #2: oh it’s pretty simple
everyone on one side stands around in full armor
and the other side waits their turn naked to get their head sliced off one at a time



MONK #1: so compare to women, men are–
MONK #2: like half a tower high
MONK #1: ok
MONK #2: shorter if they’re knights



MONK #1: so these tower sized women
are they always IN towers, or just the SIZE of towers
MONK #2: yes
MONK #1: yes to which part
MONK #2: both
being a tower is a very important aspect of womanhood


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What does it mean that I always imagine these as delivered by Father Ted and Father Dougal McGuire? ( )
6 replies · active 494 weeks ago
Teka Lynn's avatar

Teka Lynn · 494 weeks ago

"What does a harp look like, a see-through dog?"

"See-through dog. That's a harp."
The Titanic joke made me legit LOL.
Hey, you got a harp in my dog!

You got a dog in my harp!

Wait a minute...

I think we've found the origins of ¯_(ツ)_/¯
3 replies · active 494 weeks ago
Maybe, just maybe Monk #2 wasn't wrong about fish sizes. Maybe back then, fish really were that size, and men just over-fished and they became extinct from being stood on.

Just think about THAT
3 replies · active 490 weeks ago
I love how nonjudgmental the monks are. Even if they know knightly combat is totally stupid cause all you do is wait for the horse to bump you towards the other guy and it takes forever.
That poor emotionally destroyed dog! He probably just realized that no one was going to be feeding him dinner anytime soon.
That dog looks less emotionally destroyed and more severely constipated. Or maybe emotionally destroyed due to constipation.
ok so the first thing to remember is that most boats have room for two people and that’s it
think door-sized

room for TWO PEOPLE
"being a tower is a very important aspect of womanhood"

I believe this was one of the songs from "Free To Be You And Me."
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
When I was in college the frat boys used to pull out that old chestnut, "Bet you sorority girls just have naked pillow fights all the time."

If only I had thought to respond, "Close, but actually, we knife unicorns while naked."
oh god,

"MONK #1: ooh while i have you though
most dogs look –
MONK #2: emotionally destroyed
MONK #1: got it, ty"
4 replies · active 458 weeks ago
Mallory you can't tell the secret of what women do when men aren't around! Now all two men who read the Toast will know about the naked unicorn stabbing.
5 replies · active 494 weeks ago
All this time, I've been playing my dog harp for the trapped unicorn. I'm not a very good woman
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
Monk 2 = Regina George
Warhorse looks surprisingly cheerful, given the weight on his back.
1 reply · active 469 weeks ago
Those two dudes on the fish look like my last yoga class.
Can the monks address the rare Horse With Two Butts?

3 replies · active 494 weeks ago
"Hey what are you supposed to do with your hands when you're doing armor-weight walking lunges?"
"Hold them up in front of you and cup them like someone's going to pour water into them."
I have never wanted to go hunting before, but now that I know how it works, I really want to go hunting.
AnnaHowe's avatar

AnnaHowe · 494 weeks ago

No no no, only the Cs are red. The Fs may be either black or blue, and the rest aren't coloured at all. Unless they're wire-strung harps, in which case HAH WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT TO KNOW WHICH STRING IS WHICH.

As for the beheading painting, if you can't clutch your pearls in horror, clutch your plaits/braids.

(I had my first harp lesson in 25 years earlier today!)
yknow monk 1 is really lucky to have a friend like monk 2
2 replies · active 490 weeks ago
It looks like they're trying to shove Cauldron Guy on top of a tentacle monster.
1 reply · active 490 weeks ago
I read that at first as "what's inside of a dong," and thought that this series was going in a new and very startling direction.
Speaking of men making egregiously flawed speculations about women, my friend just said that he and his dad noticed that "menopausal women get power issues." They developed this unicorn-mauling theory because his mom wanted to buy paint today and The Men Who Totally Don't Have Power Issues thought she should buy it tomorrow but she wouldn't listen to reason.
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
I can think of a few co-workers who I'm going to have to boil alive, let's just say for "sinning," and I am pretty sure there has to be an easier way than bending them in half backwards.
"oh that’s easy
the knight stands perfectly still and the horse bumps him with its nose from behind"
-- while the knight claps his hands to flamenco rhythms? Love it all.
I am frankly stunned that you didn't comment on the sleeping people being tickled(?) by flames/tongues/dicks in the cauldron one. Stunned. Then again I can see how the horseshoe person might have distracted, especially with that weird boob-and-ribs robe.
sevanetta's avatar

sevanetta · 481 weeks ago

What happened to comments with this one? 'Emotionally destroyed' was perfect! It's all perfect! *bangs fist on table*

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