You may have noticed that I am completely and utterly obsessed with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s basically perfect musical, Hamilton, the cast album for which you can either buy or stream in full here (I recommend buying it, obviously, but you can also get it for free if you have Amazon Prime.)
I have been listening to said album NON-STOP (that is also the name of a song), and one of the greatest pleasures of this has been re-discovering just how incredible Leslie Odom Jr. is as Aaron Burr.
It’s not that I didn’t think he was fantastic when I saw the show IRL, it’s that I was very, very distracted by the electric Daveed Diggs, who plays Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson. His parts are really fun! He gets to bounce around a lot! Also, to be fair to me, this is what Daveed Diggs looks like:
But on re-listen after re-listen, I keep returning to Odom Jr’s “Wait For It,” which is really Aaron Burr’s ENTIRE SOUL in a song.
It’s perfect. And it’s no accident that the other song that’s really taken over my heart with its complexity over time is “Dear Theodosia,” another Burr-heavy number. His musicianship is utterly, utterly incredible, and he REALLY sells Burr to us. You get Burr’s jealousy and his despair and his preoccupation with not losing his parents’ legacy, and his love for his daughter (WHO IS GONNA DIE IN A SHIPWRECK AND HE DOESN’T KNOW IT) and now I think about him, and Leslie Odom Jr, constantly.
As an actor, too, you always get the sense that he understands how MAGNIFICENT Hamilton is, which is important:
BROWN: Now that you have been doing Hamilton for some time and you’ve got another year to go, do you feel you get something new out of every performance?
ODOM: Well, this show, the reason why I had to do it is because I could sense from my early experiences with it that it was going to make me a better actor and a better person. It makes me a better actor because there are a lot of bad habits that you develop. Hamilton is a masterpiece. Lin doesn’t say that, that’s coming from me. I recognize it as a masterpiece. I have never worked on a masterpiece before. A lot of the material that I’ve done, quite frankly, it’s paid the bills, but it’s subpar material. People are doing the best they can within the constructs of television and how political and sterile that kind of environment can be. There are a lot of tricks you can develop to make that stuff seem better than it is, and none of that stuff works on Hamilton. Those tricks go out the window when you are confronted with a masterpiece. It forces you to develop a more honest, pure way of communicating the material. That’s when you can see what you’re made of as an artist; that’s when you really see what your talent is and what you are capable of.
Also, Odom Jr did one of those Grub Street Diet features for New York Mag, and I love him WHOLLY now:
I make it a priority to make sure my grandmother gets into town for any of my important life events. She lives in South Carolina, but she doesn’t like to fly, so she took the train. She stayed with family out in Queens, and I didn’t get to see her at all on opening night. This was the last time I could see her. We had a little date at Angus, where I had a burger, fries, mixed greens, and mint tea.
Thank you for existing, sir.
(Photo via)
Nicole is an Editor of The Toast.
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constancecg 125p · 496 weeks ago
A lot of the material that I’ve done, quite frankly, it’s paid the bills, but it’s subpar material. People are doing the best they can within the constructs of television and how political and sterile that kind of environment can be.
Bless your heart, Leslie Odom Jr., I'm sure they did do their best.
Also, favorite Burr lines / Leslie Odom Jr. deliveries? "It takes and it takes and it takes" is always haunting, but also I laugh every time I hear "We're reliable with THE LAAAADIES!"
blushingflower 116p · 496 weeks ago
bnharrison32 124p · 496 weeks ago
GreenGrasses 121p · 496 weeks ago
actualmeg 113p · 496 weeks ago
*do you see what I did there
ETA: Those Grub Street Diet things have me rolling my eyes HARD most of the time, but dude has apparently my exact taste in food. Solid menu planning, sir.
anachronistique · 496 weeks ago
* His musicianship is, as Nicole says, astonishing. Crank up the speakers on "Room Where It Happens" and listen to what he's doing behind the ensemble. Hot damn. Listen to the way he pours the anguish and misery into "The World Was Wide Enough."
* He's also an amazing actor? He's so self-contained but he spends so much of the show slinking around the edges, watching and waiting, and so restrained that he's holding himself back even when he SHOULD dive in. And then - he shoots, he tries to go to Hamilton and he is pulled away. AUGH.
* He is HAAAAAAAANDSOOOOOOOOOOME. I mean, everyone in this show is stunning, but. (Sadly I cannot find any shirtless pictures but I recommend spending some time on the google image results for Mr. Odom and appreciating his beauty.)
* He favorites tweets that aren't about him but saying good things about the show because he's a team player.
* Did I mention he is handsome? And an amazing singer?
* I MEAN!!!
thesarahgirl 116p · 496 weeks ago
He thought for a minute or two, then finally said "I really see myself as more of a Burr than a Hamilton." He did expand on it a bit, but dude!
mabissam 121p · 496 weeks ago
Genevieve B · 496 weeks ago
redheadedwolf 115p · 496 weeks ago
steadygoing 142p · 496 weeks ago
ppyajunebug 137p · 496 weeks ago
ETA: Also Leslie produced a video about opening night from the cast's perspective and it's amazing and you need to watch it
celery · 496 weeks ago
123p · 496 weeks ago
Also can we discuss the similarities to Amadeus? (Though Hamilton was more actively against Burr than Mozart against Salieri.) I think that's partially why/how Burr is so sympathetic in this. (Jefferson is the biggest asshole in the soundtrack, just beating out George.)
loosechange 125p · 496 weeks ago
ppyajunebug 137p · 496 weeks ago
Which Schuyler Sister Are You?"
I'm Eliza (yaaaaaaas)
Mara · 496 weeks ago
megalesias 116p · 496 weeks ago
oh noooooo- now I, too, am in love.
coloredlights 102p · 496 weeks ago
He's also really short. But still beautiful.
sausagedog 127p · 496 weeks ago
manuscriptgeek 102p · 496 weeks ago
Burr believed women to be intellectually equal to men, and hung a portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft over his mantel. The Burrs' daughter, Theodosia, was taught dance, music, several languages, and learned to shoot from horseback.
Ronit · 496 weeks ago
LeastBittern 120p · 496 weeks ago
Aaron is a little, dirty, noisy boy, very different from Sally almost in everything. He begins to talk a little, is very sly, mischievous and has more sprightliness than Sally. I must say he is handsomer, though not so good tempered. He is very resolute and requires a good governor to bring him to terms.
Ronit · 496 weeks ago
mmcoulston 134p · 496 weeks ago
maggiegrift 108p · 496 weeks ago
angrypedestrian · 496 weeks ago
Also, this soundtrack is VERY good walking music.
anon210 126p · 496 weeks ago
(whispers his confession into a cave nestled deep within the earth's mantle)
...Lin-Manuel's pedestrian vocals do take me out of the song. The man is a genius playwright and composer/lyricist, but not so much of a singer.
Of course, that's not going to stop me seeing it a second time, or binging on the cast recording.
EnchiladaTaco 123p · 496 weeks ago
chnellociraptor 114p · 496 weeks ago
Presented mostly without commentary, other than good lord Founding Fathers, keep it in your breeches.
LeastBittern 120p · 496 weeks ago
"I think I have discovered a method of preventing this dejection of mind on any future parting. It is this, when you come again I will employ myself in finding or fancying that you have some faults. & I will draw a veil over all your good qualities if I can find one large enough."
He asked her to come with him on a vacation to America: "Let’s go back together then. you intend it a visit; so do I. While you are indulging with your friends on the Hudson, I will go to see if Monticello remains in the same place, or I will attend you to the falls of Niagara, if you will go with me to the passage of the Potowmac, the Natural Bridge, etc.,"
"Think of it, my friend, and let us begin a negotiation on the subject. You shall find in me all the spirit of accommodation with which Yoric began his with the fair Piedmontese." (this is a reference to a novel where Yoric and the fair Piedmontese have to share a room, and they set up ways for it to be chaste but then end up having sex.)
LezzyBeaverman 94p · 496 weeks ago
Also I've seen a lot of things comparing him to Salieri in Amadeus, which I can kind of see, but for me it's more Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar. Like, he wants to be friends, he wants to like him, but things just get so messy. I feel like Salieri was a hater from the start, and Burr definitely wanted to be pals. I think it's more painful and poignant because they start out friendly.
dakimel 122p · 496 weeks ago
RubyRogers · 496 weeks ago
"Dear Theodosia" is especially upsetting when you remember that Burr and Hamilton both outlived the children they're singing to. Hell, poor Burr outlived even his grandson. It's like everyone he loved died early deaths…
(Also, the first time I saw someone refer to Lin-Manuel Miranda as LMM, I thought they were talking about Lucy Maud Montgomery…)
fadeintodawn · 495 weeks ago
ToastiewithCheese 120p · 495 weeks ago
tachyonpython 117p · 495 weeks ago
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