Search results for “dad magazine”

  1. Mallory: thank you
    I appreciate it
    HEY Jaya
    Jaya: It seems like a good idea!
    That I live here now, with you, on The Toast.
    Mallory: It's true!
    You're joining us as a Staff Writer and I'm SO FLIPPING EXCITED ABOUT IT
    Jaya: I am honored that you are excited about it because I too am excited.
    Mallory: we're all excited

  2. When I came out to myself as trans two years ago, one of the first things I said was that while maybe I preferred men's clothing and haircuts, I (probably) wasn't "trans enough" to want surgeries or to change my pronouns. Two years later and I'm counting down the days until top surgery and telling people they can call me Marco, and that she/her doesn’t really refer to me anymore, if it ever did.

  3. I've been thinking a bunch about this Sady Doyle piece, which is just chock-full of horrible stuff you might not want to know about, but also has some interesting nuance on being wrong and trying to fix things, and how best to facilitate that as a society and as a person:

    Horovitz explained it pretty clearly, in the context of a song he wrote …

  4. Oh, apparently DuPont knew that the C8 in Teflon was hella bad and didn't care. My dad actually worked at a DuPont factory for a long time (people in my hometown either worked for DuPont or the prisons), but making nylon instead of pans, and does not have cancer as of press time:

    Concerns about the safety of Teflon, C8, and other long-chain perfluorinated chemicals first came to wide public attention more…

  5. Fair housing and its discontents: The new rules are meant to reinvigorate it. Under the initiative, HUD would provide local governments with information on "segregated living patterns" and "racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty." To encourage action — whether new affordable housing in affluent areas and zoning rules to promote integration or better services in poor neighborhoods — the agency would offer grant money. "We know where you live matters," said current HUD…

  6. Hey Toasters, hope you had a good week! What are you reading as you head into the holiday weekend? I am finishing Trip by our own Mindy Hung, and I'm about halfway through One Thing Stolen by my friend and thesis adviser Beth Kephart. I've got a road trip this weekend and am thinking of loading up the Kindle before I go, so feel free to drop your best recs in the comments.

  7. Hello Toasties! I hope you've all had a magnificent week. Mine felt like a week full of Mondays, because that's how your week feels when you come back from the beach, but as always it was impossible not to revel in the many delights of The Toast: