Posts tagged “adultery”

  1. I hardly know where to begin with this, my thoughts are so scattered and unfocused, and because this is Exactly What It Says On The Tin. Ayn Rand once had a breakup that went so badly she cursed the guy's penis for the rest of his life and he moved to Los Angeles to escape the Curse of Ayn Rand, only it didn't work because once Ayn Rand has it out for your genitals. you're already…

  2. Previously: Every Russian novel ever. 1. The Emptiness And Banalities Of Rural Life Are Disgusting 2. The Baroness Is Seduced 3. The Student's Slow, Painful Disillusionment Takes Place Over A Marvelous Nine-Course Banquet 4. A Casual Remark Drives The Gendarme To Suicide 5. An Anti-Semitic Aside 6. A Young Woman Cynically Eats A Pheasant 7. A Mid-Level Bureaucrat Tells A Harmless Lie That Results In The Death Of Dozens…