Women Listening To Men In Western Art History -The Toast

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Home: The Toast

the_drinkers-largei keep drinking

but it’s not making him more interesting



i’m still listening

you were talking about that 

i’m just resting my eyes


that is so good

that is so funny

that is so funny and good 

no I’ve never heard that before from you
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper zoomedahh sorry i just

i really need to look at this matchbook right now 


how-to-recognize-painters-by-their-work-2-1mmm for sure 

no i definitely agree

you don’t have to keep arguing because i agree and you’re right so we are on the same 

we’re the same way, i agree

listen23So do you see what I mean

yeah i definitely understand 

because its kind of complicated

no I’m with you 

ill explain it again
listen22yayyyyy ahhh again again 

more playing more music

im so glad this turned into a concert even though nobody asked for one

yeah it just happened

it just happened to all of us
listen21ahh sorry but you really can’t move him 

if he stays there you better not come any closer

yeah sorry you better just stay over there where you are right now


we’re kissing now

that’s the thing that is happening nowlisten19christ is he still behind us 

i don’t know

keep skating

listen17oh no i wasn’t doing anything, I’m not busy

just talking to all of my friends

but I’m so glad we’re doing this now insteadlisten15yeah thats terrible 

i can’t believe he said that

wow and after you basically saved the presentation too 

hang on i just gotta rest my neck for a minute

XIR63425sorry babe

you know i can’t hear anything when I’m powdering my nose 

ill let you know when I’m finished



GO ONlisten12how can you say that 

how can you say I’m not paying attention 

i just took off my clothes and threw the fruit basket to help me focus

listen10yeah it’s great it’s really great 

i just need to take a break from looking at it for a second 

to look at something else



hey wake up

are you asleep or something

are you sleeping

mm no I’m still listening 

listening and awake and also listening

listen7don’t make eye contact

im not im not making eye contact

well you’re giving him some sort of encouragement

no im not im like lying down

well lie down harder 

“Okay, this next one is called Elegy in Amber”

oh my god how many elegies even are there in the world

is he going to play all of them

listen2right okay 

so where did he move the boat to next then

listen1I just–


not quite finished with this matchbook 


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do go on, it's not like I have other customers to deal with
1 reply · active 543 weeks ago
Ahahahaha, oh man, the number of times I have had this conversation:

"So do you see what I mean

yeah i definitely understand

because its kind of complicated

no I’m with you

ill explain it again"

Hahahaha. Haha. Ha.
1 reply · active 543 weeks ago
That really lovely painting of the woman in the white dress with the flowers and the annoying dude behind her? Whoever painted that has captured the exact expression of "Oh yes, I see you there talking to me, rudely interrupting me while I was talking to my friends, but I am too well-bred and polite to exhibit my true irritation, so I will just give you a 'Hmm?' look of vague interest, and then I will cut you off so sweetly and politely that I will be in the next room before you even know what happened. Carry on then."
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
The women in the painting with the puppy look like they're having an amazing time, but not as amazing as the bonnet on that lady in the second-to-last. Daaaaaang.

yes, yes, very interesting.

very interesting for sure.

you know way more than we do about this

(picture is this <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/paintings/an-interior-with-three-women-and-a-seated-man-114312)" target="_blank">http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/paintings/an-interior-with-three-women-and-a-seated-man-114312)
3 replies · active 561 weeks ago
My favorite Art Trope at the moment is "Consumptive Woman Gazes Languidly (at a man probably, but maybe also into middle distance)."
6 replies · active 561 weeks ago
oh no i wasn’t doing anything, I’m not busy
just talking to all of my friends
but I’m so glad we’re doing this now instead

ahahaha oh god, amazing, a+ forever
well you’re giving him some sort of encouragement

no im not im like lying down

well lie down harder

Yep. Yepyepyep.
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
I cant decide which is more genius, the matchbox or the fruit bowl.
Anyway your know youre stuck in a bad conversation when you have to mentally play games to keep your eyes open.

"Hey babe, can you make me a sandwich?"

Oh sure, I'm not leaving on an important appointment and you're not an able bodied adult with two hands.
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
Sometimes I also feel I need to throw things to continue listening.
"I don't know, keep skating" is pretty much my life's motto.
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
[White] Women Listening to Men in [Western] Art History.
6 replies · active 560 weeks ago
christ is he still behind us

Aaaaand I'm dead. Don't bother reviving me unless there are more of these art thingies to look at.

oh look, something over there

of course it's not more interesting than you

it's just

such a soothing visual accompaniment to your talking

why is there so much absinthe everywhere and all the time.
2 replies · active 561 weeks ago
What gets me is that these are, by and large, painted by men. Which means THEY NOTICE but continue to do it anyway.
6 replies · active 512 weeks ago
and here's the rest of #15:

"how can you say that

how can you say I’m not paying attention

i just took off my clothes and threw the fruit basket to help me focus

but seriously, has anyone seen my nipple?"
2 replies · active 561 weeks ago
These women are too sarcastically apologetic to the men. Where are my lush bitches?
2 replies · active 560 weeks ago
I have definitely made every single one of these faces in the 5 (almost 6 yuck) years I spent with my ex-boyfriend. INCLUDING the sleepy ones, because he always liked to make me look at stuff while I was drowsy off medication and heading to bed, and then he'd get mad when I wouldn't get excited.

Also do you think in the one with the dog they've trained that dog to distract men so they'll stop stop talking? I need to train my dog to do this.
1 reply · active 560 weeks ago
That naked bathing lady, man. The idea that she just had a near-psychotic break due to how boring those dudes are is honestly the most reasonable explanation I can think of for that scene.
Blackwell's avatar

Blackwell · 560 weeks ago

ha! so true, so true
this needs to be a tumblr. I never want it to end.
That guy eyeing the bustle. Dude, it's a wire framework. You are literally lusting over scaffolding.
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
Yes, Leonardo, it was a funny story. See, I'm smiling? No, really I am.
Alan Altimont's avatar

Alan Altimont · 541 weeks ago

Love all these, but the seventh one is, I'm afraid, all women--especially the lyre player. You just dissed Sappho! That's her rockin' out her women's academy on Lesbos.
1 reply · active 529 weeks ago
finally a meaningful explanation for The Picnic (Le dejeuner sur l'herbe) - Claude Monet Paintings -- always wondered about the nudity thing...:)
نجدد ترحابنا بكم في العاب بنات التي تعتبر من افضل الالعاب على الاطلاق وعندها جمهور كبير جدا وهي بدورها تتضمن التلبيس والمكياج وكذلك الطبخ وتلعبها البنات بكترة واصبحت مشهورة جدا في السنين الاخيرة مما جعل مواقع الالعاب تصبح كتيرة وهناك كتير منها مشهورة متل فرايف و كيزي ومواقع اخرى كما ان هناك ايضا موقع جميل عربي يقدم تشكيلة من العاب بنات مميزة ومتجددة يوميا هذا النوع بدوره يشمل اصناف كتيرة سنتعرف عليها الان ومن بينها العاب الطبخ الدي يملك معجبين كتر جدا ويعتبر هو الاول تم يليه العاب التلبيس وهذا الآخر ممتع ويحبه الكتير لان التلبيس تعشقه البنات اكتر من الاولاد وهذا امر بديهي ومعروف وبعده بالتتابع يوجد العاب المكياج او الميك اب نوع جميل ومحبوب عند الصغار والكبار ويبقى في الاخير نوع قص الشعر وهو الاقل اهتماما

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