A Poem About the Garbage Strike of 1996, by a Ten-Year-Old -The Toast

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In 1996, New York City’s maintenance workers went on strike. This is one ten-year-old’s take on the impending chaos.

[sic everything]

They garbage will be everywhere

city will be garbage

No trucks


they lose there jobs

they get a raise

central park will be garbage park

the city will smell bad

you would have to wear a mask to breathe


family might get mad at them

everyone will be recycleing and reusing

more natural things

garbage could get into ponds and kill/hurt animals

everything will be made of trash


people would burn garbage

more fires

fire department and doctors will get more jobs


People could die

Doctors will work over time



Cans overflow

plants Die

no more air

no clean water

take bath constantly

people couldn’t get out of there house and die



Jaya Saxena is a New Yorker who writes for lots of things. The Toast, Uncommon Courtesy, and New Amsterdam Mystery Company are some of them. Follow her on Twitter @jayasax. Matt Lubchansky makes comics and occasionally leaves his apartment in New York. His work includes Please Listen to Me and New Amsterdam Mystery Company. He's on Twitter, and doesn't expect you to get his name right.

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