ByJacqueline Steiger

Jacqueline Steiger is an actor, filmmaker, linguist, and writer who very deliberately put an Oxford comma there. She cares immensely about nerd culture and activism. She will read anything you give her and eat absolutely anything with melted cheese on it.

  1. It's so good that there's a door-knocker. Excellent.

    Always polite to let inhabitants know when you are planning on visiting.

    They can hear you.

  2. Previously by Jacqueline Steiger: 16 Gemstones Renamed Correctly I have always considered myself a reader: always stuck in a book, always escaping into another world. As a child, I would read during dinner, at night under the covers, in the car. We had a rule that if I picked out a book at the bookstore, I could not start reading it until we exited, because my mother said she was tired of me "finishing…

  3. 1. Crocoite: Slim jims enjoying a nice bubble bath.