Sorry I Murdered Everyone, But I’m An Introvert -The Toast

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introvertSorry I murdered everyone at your party, but as an introvert, I prefer one-on-one interactions to group gatherings.

I’m really sorry that everyone is dead. I prefer animals to people.

Sorry I killed everybody! I just really need my alone time.

Sorry that everyone is dead. They weren’t respecting my quiet power and inner strength. It’s a common misconception that introverts can’t lead; we’re just not always the first to speak up.

Sorry I butchered all of your friends in front of you. It’s just that I’d rather curl up at home with a good book than go to a party.

Some famous introverts include Albert Einstein, Audrey Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock, and all of your friends are dead.

I apologize for coming to your house and killing everyone. I’m an INTJ!

I realize you didn’t expect me to subdue and strangle more than two dozen innocent partygoers, but you should never underestimate the power of an introvert.

Before they died, a lot of people at your party told me that I was a really good listener.

I shouldn’t have killed them, but at the same time, it’s not wrong for me to need space to reflect and recharge before I’m ready to interact with people.

I know it’s a party foul, and again I’m really sorry for bathing your house in blood, but sometimes it’s just easier for me to express myself in writing than in conversation. So I murdered everyone.

Making new friends is really hard for me. Now that everyone you wanted me to talk to tonight is dead, I’m feeling a lot less pressure to perform.

I’m so sorry I killed your friends. Making small talk is just really hard for me. It’s so stressful.

Sorry everybody’s dead! I guess it’s because I’m more “Ravenclaw” than “Gryffindor.”

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The only way this could be better is if it was a Buzzfeed list that almost every single person I follow on Tumblr could share and tag with shit like #for real #totally me IRL #sorry I killed your friends but #¯_(ツ)_/¯ #superwholock
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
Last night an extrovert barged into my room and demanded conversation at 3am
13 replies · active 541 weeks ago
Oh thank god, I've never been sure how to word these apologies, exactly.
2 replies · active 541 weeks ago
dustdevil's avatar

dustdevil · 541 weeks ago

I was about to post this on my FB feed, but then realized that all of the people on my timeline who constantly post the Introvert lists would read it as further confirmation of their specialness: "of course I would murder all of those extroverts if I could..."
31 replies · active 508 weeks ago

(meaning ambiguous)
Man, INTJs get such a bad rap. People always assume we're villains and masterminds! But let me tell you something: INTJs are the people who help you plan your party. We calculate the minimum effort necessary for maximum enjoyment, and plan ahead to reduce the stresses of being in crowds. Accidentally slaughtering all of your guests? That's sloppy. That's some ISFP nonsense right there.
13 replies · active 504 weeks ago
OH man I can so relate to the guy in that episode of Twilight Zone who just wanted everyone to just die already so he could read all he wanted. And then it's like the apocalypse and he's the only survivor and is like FINALLY, and then he steps on his glasses and breaks them and THE END.
Except haha I wear contacts so come at me bro. No don't come please die so I can read.
19 replies · active 508 weeks ago
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
You know, I HAVE never been able to talk to men. They'll ask me about my plans for the weekend and SPLASH. They're already being dissolved by quicklime :(
I would still have you at my party, Mallory.
Hey, it's a cheap source of cat food.

(insert joke about only feeding my cat the freshest vegans)
3 replies · active 540 weeks ago
beatrixkiddo's avatar

beatrixkiddo · 541 weeks ago

THANK YOU for this.

Ban introverts.
I...assume all of that is satirical? I mean, it has to be, right?

(Edit: DAMMIT, I meant the Clickhole link Ethylbenzene posted above. Obviously Mallory's piece is satirical/is completely serious/fuck you, that's why, as always!)
2 replies · active 541 weeks ago
I nearly posted this to fb, but 1. I went to a party at the weekend where I knew no one & successfully killed no one (despite there being fireworks!) so they don't need to know and b) Briggs-Myer says I'm an extrovert. (HA. No.)
I love this because I had this whole 'vert identity crisis where it seems like I'm an extrovert because I'm loud and have a lot of friends and opinions, but I also like to be alone a lot and I get irritable if I go a day or two being around people constantly, so maybe I was an introvert? (A therapist once told me I was.) It was only a few years ago that I realized "uh, you're already bisexual, OF COURSE you're also biverted."
3 replies · active 443 weeks ago
so we should just give this to our attorney and...everythings cool?
is that right?

i'm asking for a friend.
"And totally unrelated, I stumbled upon your tweet 'Honestly, I don't give a shit if I'm INTJ'. I was curious about the context (no need to explain what it means)." --my mother, a few months ago

Sent her this article, maybe she'll get it now.
Better than being an ENTJ, destroyer of worlds:
Remember that comic which was making the FB/Tumblr rounds about six months ago about how extroverts were BASICALLY VAMPIRES who fed off the energy/attention of others while introverts were these precious hothouse flowers who needed to preserve their valuable attention from being consumed by others?

I think it weirdly comes from the same place that the "FAKE GEEK GIRL" attitude does, which places a premium on a person's attention/gaze as a kind of resource which both has value and is limited. It's the idea that your attention is SO IMPORTANT and VALUABLE that others just want to suck it up like a milkshake (either by 'unfairly' earning it as a fake geek girl who is pretending to have expertise to gain attention, or as a filthy extrovert who consumes it all indiscriminately and maliciously) and you need to protect it from their plundering ways. For people who pride themselves on being introspective and intellectual, it's an incredibly self-centered way of viewing the world.

*wraps extroverted self in Bela Lugosi-style cape and hisses, before vanishing into the night*
7 replies · active 508 weeks ago
Thiiiis has to go to Facebook, I just can't take the "I AM SO DIFFERENT BECAUSE I LIKE NETFLIX MARATHONS AND MY BED, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME AT A PARTY" crowd.
3 replies · active 539 weeks ago
Lol this was an awkward article to have up on screen when my coworker stopped by suddenly
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
See also Nine Things Introverts Do All the Time, perhaps my favorite Onion slideshow of all time.
5 replies · active 541 weeks ago
FINALLY. Someone gets me. It's just so hard to be around people who ALWAYS want to TALK TO ME and BE NICE TO ME, when I'd rather just sit on my bed, watch Netflix and pet cats. People just don't understand how DIFFERENT I am. Wait, I saw this great cartoon on fb that explains it perfectly. I think there's a buzzfeed list too. Let me send them to you, or else there's no possible way you could understand. Look, it's just a Briggs-Meyer thing okay?
2 replies · active 541 weeks ago
so nice to here that there are others like me out there. loved it!
I feel like this also relates to the people who post that they're "practising self-care" tonight with their pajamas and couch and Netflix. I just call that "a night in."
2 replies · active 541 weeks ago
Season 3 Will Graham?
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
it was good, but then the meyers-briggs lampoon made it GREAT.
As an INTJ, I dub thee Power Behind the Throne of the Queen of the INTJs.
heresiarch's avatar

heresiarch · 541 weeks ago

This is so unfair, not all INTJs
This is excellent. I went to that party. We made out first. :P
This is hilarious.
As an INFJ, the most special of snowflakes, I'm intuiting that Mallory might have some resentment toward introverts.
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
I'd like to point out that, just as it is incredibly annoying and horrible that introverts are stereotyped as being loner serial killers, it's also annoying that people would cite "being an extrovert" as a reason someone might violate someone's boundaries (ex. barging uninvited into their room and demanding a conversation, invading their space). Both introverts and extroverts violate boundaries, and they don't do it because of their personality characteristics --they do it because they are failing to empathize and they lack respect for consent. Extroversion is frequently conflated with an inability to respect other people's space --it's not the same thing. The fact that lack of respect for consent is rampant in our society means that many extroverts DO violate boundaries, but not necessarily more often than introverts and not as a direct result of being extroverted. I grant you that when an extrovert does violate someone's space, they may choose to do it differently than an introvert does --but being an extrovert doesn't actually cause you to violate boundaries. You seem to be making a joke that actually undermines the point of the post --instead of critiquing the absurdity of stereotypes about personality traits like introversion/extroversion, you are perpetuating the stereotype that people who refuse to respect boundaries are axiomatically extroverts. A satirical post similar to this one could be written about that exact assumption (although, I grant you this assumption is less commonly acknowledged as existing) "Sorry I invaded your personal space, I'm an extrovert, which means I'm incapable of respecting boundaries."

People who lack respect for consent often use their personality characteristics or emotions as an excuse for their behavior --joking that someone who violates boundaries does so because they are extroverted serves to uphold this narrative. Being extroverted is more socially acceptable than being introverted. Being extroverted can mean being privileged in certain ways, but it's really only if you are extroverted AND ALSO look and act in normative ways. I am not trying to deny that extroverts get any privileges, what I am trying to do is point out that such jokes only feed into the ability of extroverts who do happen to also be assholes to believe that the reason their friend is upset is because that they have different personalities, not because people have a right to set their own boundaries and violating consent is wrong.

Also, not everyone is rewarded for being extroverted, nor are all extroverts rewarded equally. There can be a lot of pressure for members of marginalized groups to inhibit their extroversion and to not take up any social space. The cost of being perceived as chatting too much can be big, professionally, if you are a member of a marginalized group. Thus, the stereotype of introverts as loner serial killers is not the only problematic stereotype associated with personality traits and the relationship between being extroverted and being rewarded by society is not straightforward.

I really enjoyed Mallory's post, but the humor in some of these comments bothered me. By the way, I'm an ambivert.
3 replies · active 541 weeks ago
Apparently TVTropes uses Loki as an example of an INTJ.

Now I'm going to reread this in Tom Hiddleston's voice. Huh. Yeah...yeah, I see it now.
1 reply · active 541 weeks ago
"What are you?"
I am always wary of people who self-identify as Ravenclaw, especially because most of them also self-identify Luna Lovegood and by all accounts a lot of Ravenclaws were just awful to her. She doesn't have a single friend in that house!

(SLYTHERIN 4 LYFE. Hufflepuffs can come too, we'll hide under staircases snacking on stolen cauldron cakes and swapping enchanted mixtapes.)
10 replies · active 513 weeks ago
Ooh can we do one about people who brag about how honest they are but are really just assholes?
3 replies · active 540 weeks ago
I used to shampoo hair at a salon, and this extremely unpleasant regular client used to tote around books about introvert pride. She would do things like ask her stylist questions and keep a conversation going, then bark "Less talking, more blowdrying!" at the exact moment she was bored with the conversation. She had awful hair, too.

As a fairly quiet person who works in a couple of talky-chatty industries (hair and coffee/food), it's weird and annoying to be a focus for Internet Introvert Tears, too. I get it, you would rather cut your own hair with a jagged clamshell you foraged outside of your hermit shack and all, but sometimes you have to speak to humans, and you won't die. If I won't die, then you won't.

When I started cutting hair myself, it always astounded me how rude some people could be.
4 replies · active 541 weeks ago
I love the Ravenclaw one! Cheers from a Ravenclaw :) (Honestly I get annoyed with the Gryffindor worship in Harry Potter and the lack of Ravenclaw participation)
Beautiful. Crying. Thank you.
I'm a little confused as to why everyone is so absolutely positive about what this piece means. It's intentionally ambiguous, and seems to be making fun of all the people who believe so firmly in the introvert/extrovert binary at the same time as it is calling introverts bad/crazy/homocidal. So I'm a little curious, I guess, why so many people, who clearly claim to be introverts, are so in love with what's being said here. Any thoughts?
4 replies · active 539 weeks ago
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 541 weeks ago

I guess I just took this completely differently than everyone else apparently did. the whole time I read the list I was thinking of how (mostly white male) murderers/serial killers/mass shooters are almost excused of their actions all the fucking time by media and others because they were bullied for being "different" or they were outcasts, or how people who are interviewed afterwards always supposedly say they were "so nice and quiet and shy". and the list is pointing out that that's bullshit, and that it gives introverts a bad name.

I didn't think the list was supposed to be making fun of introverts or criticizing them in any way. Am I wrong?
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
I personally thought this article was more a jab at the woeful "219382398 Habits of Intro-Extroverts and their Sensitive/Sociopathic/Geeky/Niche Friends"
Slice of Hell's avatar

Slice of Hell · 541 weeks ago

I'm an introvert. This is fucking hilarious. That is all.
Sooo, I should come armed to the next Toasties meetup? Or if I identify myself as a fellow introvert am I exempt from the slaughter?
Well, that or just say "Sorry, I've had a long day and don't really feel like talking," or obviously be reading. Most of the hairdressers I've had have been totally respectful of that; the ones who aren't won't get my business again.

Like, I don't think socialization should be mandatory (and do not get me started about either work parties or people who try to "make friends" on public transportation) but in certain situations, you need to take some responsibility for opting out. Like an adult.
Oh my god, I used to be SO into MBTI (I'm an INFP, so I'm a SPECIAL SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE), and in my socially awkward adolescence, I definitely used it as an excuse to not grow up or develop other skills (like, you know, social skills). While I know MBTI, scientifically questionable as it is, wasn't meant to be used that way, I do think certain folks at certain times in their lives can use the whole "I'm introverted and perceptive and intuitive! I'm never going to be social and organized and competent, so why bother?" as a crutch.

Introversion is a preference not an excuse to not engage with other people or develop other, useful, life skills. Ugh, these damn "Introversion Special Snowflake" lists and articles are starting to drive me bonkers.
I'm INTJ (really, I am) and I deeply resent this post. It doesn't reflect us INTJs at all. I would never leave anyone alive to apologize TO.
I've never heard of Mark Ruffalo so I think I'm missing part of the joke.

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