Two Monks Invent Religious Iconography -The Toast

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MONK #1: the saint Mary Magdalene
what was she made of, chiefly?
MONK #2: hair
more hair than woman, they said of her



MONK #1: saints in general
how do they look?
how does one draw them, I mean
MONK #2: silver-grey skin like a trout
and mummy hands
that’s the sign of one beloved by God



MONK #1: what would you look like, if the Lord entrusted you with the Keys of Heaven
MONK #2: furious
MONK #1: thank you!!



MONK #1: this is so ridiculous
MONK #2: what is it
MONK #1: aaaghh no it’s so embarrassing
i should KNOW this
MONK #2: its fine
there are no bad questions in monks
MONK #1: so if you were going to try to communicate, like, praying
how would you depict that, art-wise
MONK #2: trying to stretch your arms wider than Jesus
like two big pterodactyls fighting
MONK #1: ahhh of course
haha thank you i feel so stupid
MONK #2: no its fine
dont worry about it



MONK #1: what was the birth of Jesus like
MONK #2: gold box
bunch of rocks
small roof, no walls, sad Joseph, curious twins
pretty basic
MONK #1: ahh tytyty



MONK #1: Jesus’ head, did it end in a neck, or…?
MONK #2: no



MONK #1: what does baptism look like
MONK #2: mm
a goose is near
two very small women in a bowl
thats pretty much it



MONK #1: how best to depict the suffering of the Crucifixion
MONK #2: Jesus with one shoe off, one shoe on



MONK #1: how best to represent the inspiration of the saints as they wrote Holy Writ
MONK #2: small cow in the sky


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there are no bad questions in monks
monk #2 so magnanimous! <3
7 replies · active 496 weeks ago
My hair like Mary Magdalene wore it/Hallelujah, I adore it
1 reply · active 496 weeks ago
"ah tytyty" made me snicker in Dramatic Leadership.
17 replies · active 496 weeks ago
You save me.
When I work on my art pieces now, I'll ask myself,
"Does this piece need a small cow in the sky?

11 replies · active 494 weeks ago
Okay but why does Mary Magdalene have shovel feet.
1 reply · active 465 weeks ago
more prayerfights thnx
Interestingly enough, I had a history teacher who said that the earliest forms of prayer did, in fact, involve spreading your arms wide as though invoking a spirit of the heavens, and it only changed to the hands-in-front-of-your form to accommodate the feudal system, such that you could pray and your lord could put his hands on top of yours to affirm the feudal hierarchy.

I don't know if this is true, maybe someone else knows better, I just thought it was an interesting idea.
17 replies · active 462 weeks ago
I like that Jesus is also wearing something akin to a bee costume in that birth picture.
3 replies · active 496 weeks ago
Not to be "that" person... but if it's a female saint covered in hair, it's Mary of Egypt, not Mary Magdalene. The Magdalene's attribute was oils.
8 replies · active 496 weeks ago
To be honest, I've lost a shoe at a party before and it was pretty traumatic, so I guess what I'm saying is I know how you feel, Jesus.
5 replies · active 496 weeks ago
I think the one-shoe Jesus is actually Saint Wilgefortis, the bearded-lady saint. The fallen shoe is one of her signifiers; the fiddler playing at her feet is another. Also known as the Uncumber, she was the saint you prayed to if you wanted to escape your abusive husband.

Wilgefortis was a beeyootiful princess whose father wanted her to marry a pagan king. She prayed to be saved from such a marriage and God made her grow a beard overnight. This put the kibosh on the wedding but her father, furious, had her crucified.

Saint stories, man.
24 replies · active 496 weeks ago
2 replies · active 496 weeks ago
I'm trying to read the Nativity one to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire," and it's pretty amazing. Like, it would be amazing anyway, but it's even more so when set to Billy Joel.
I would definitely be furious if someone entrusted me with the Keys of Heaven. Who wants that kind of responsibility?
1 reply · active 496 weeks ago
a goose is near

that's a dire warning if I've ever heard one.
6 replies · active 496 weeks ago
more hair than woman, they said of her

Mary Magdalene and I have an understanding. We really do. I mean, between this and reclining naked near skulls and repenting absolutely nothing.
4 replies · active 496 weeks ago
The text of #2 reads like early Irish gnomic verse, except it needs the initial "ceist [question]" and, for the response, "ni ansa [not difficult (to answer)]".
I'm praying to Sky-Cow from now on.
2 replies · active 496 weeks ago
Could all my writer's block issues be a mere matter of lack of sky-cows?!?!
1 reply · active 496 weeks ago
"small cow in the sky"

So...bovine inspiration?
graveyardmind's avatar

graveyardmind · 496 weeks ago

I'm reasonably sure one of the very small women in the bowl is a man.
4 replies · active 463 weeks ago
If you squint your eyes just right the Sky-Cow is saying "snacks".
2 replies · active 496 weeks ago
Wait a minute... I was just reading Norse myths last night and I'm pretty sure there was a cow involved in the creation of the world, or humans, or something.

[internet search of "odin cow"]


[odin was not involved but the search still worked, somehow, god bless the internet]
6 replies · active 496 weeks ago
No the last saint is also ambidextrous, a sign of "bo"vine inspiration?
speaking of women covered in hair, i just finished this book: in the night garden, which was very good and i think people here would enjoy it. basically it is just fairy tales + feminism + general weirdness
MONK #1: how best to depict the suffering of the Crucifixion
MONK #2: Jesus with one shoe off, one shoe on

Definitely the worst part.
1 reply · active 496 weeks ago
"small cow in the sky"

You guys! At the Victoria & Alberta museum recently I learned that St. Luke was often depicted as a guy with a book and winged ox, or just a winged ox with a book! So I think that one is supposed to be St. Luke writing his gospel? It was exciting seeing that motif "in the wild", or in a Two Monks post, which is basically the same.
7 replies · active 494 weeks ago
This is all to be expected. A friend of mine is entering religious life, and discovered a black scarf covered in rainbow cannabis leaves in the liturgical arrangements cupboard. She remarked to one of the sisters that someone clearly didn't know what this was. 'Oh that's me!' the sister said cheerfully, 'I've been putting it out for years!'
How did they just?? Keep getting better? This is my favorite one so far, I think.

In other news, at first I felt very cheated, reading the one about baptism, because there were no geese at my baptism. But then I realized I've never even seen pictures of my baptism, so perhaps the whole church was just lousy with geese, as God intended.
I find sky cows pretty inspiring though...

The picture at the top: two monks invent regicide?
Incredibly, here it is February 2016 and I have only just now discovered "Two Monks" and this Mallory person. The freshest, most insane and hilarious lovely thing that I could never have imagined. Thank you!
The really funny part is that St Lucas, with the small cow, is in the middle of erasing whatever he's just written. I wish I could make it out.

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