1. Oh, Christ Anna, he's going to start reading poetry at us what do we do play dead? no that's bears what's wrong nothing's wrong nothing's wrong exactly don't you like the flowers the flowers are fine i guess i just thought there'd be more more than the flowers we have blanketing the party? its fine i guess these are enough i guess its fine if you dont really care about flowers…

  2. Remember how I told you to go make an account to read Publishing While Black over at Scratch? WELL, Scratch offered it to us for a cross-post, so you can read it right here at 1pm! How lucky for you.


    Please read the billion-word Billy Joel profile in The New Yorker and then come discuss it here! Billy Joel seems kind of unpleasant and like someone who really needs

  3. When we last spoke, I told you about launching a feminist revolt at my Orthodox Jewish girls’ school. I hope to get back to that, eventually. But let’s fast forward about 30 years.

  4. An interview with self is up at the Washington Post about the book (which comes out next week! Why isn't it out now?), and it's full of wisdom just like this.

  5. Marissa Maciel's previous work for The Toast can be found here. One clue that you may be having emotional difficulties in your pregnancy is when you tell people “I’m pregnant,” and their first reaction is to say, “Oh, is that ok?” No matter how planned my second pregnancy had been (trying for months, taking prenatal vitamins in advance, storing hand-me-downs from our first child for years), whenever I told anyone I was pregnant, I…

  6. I can't help but feel bad for everyone from History; they're dead, to start with, and then after their deaths the rest of us just sit around in our warm, cozy, alive bodies criticizing them. And it's quite easy to criticize them! They are, after all, merely dead, while I am forever and gloriously Alive. Were our positions reversed, I have no doubt they would gladly stuff me with cholera and watch me die in…

  7. About nine months ago, as it became obvious that I was With Child to even the most absent-minded professors in my engineering research center, I had the following conversation about two or three times a day: Nervous Graduate Student: So, um, when are you going out on maternity leave? (I wrangle all of the ~50 graduate students ‘round these parts.) Me: Well, my due date is March 7th, but since [university name redacted] doesn’t have…

  8. I. The Motorcycle Crash
    II. Eaten By Bear at Zoo
    III. Slowly Crushed By His Collection of Sweet Lids
    IV. Beaten to Death By a Loan Shark
    V. Infection From Tattoo He Got With Third Wife
    VI. Burned Alive During The Wicker Man-Style Ritual That Stars Hollow Performs Every Eighteen Years

  9. I don't care what you want to talk about, I want to talk about JIAN GHOMESHI, the newest master of the dubious Facebook outpouring. By the time I wake up, I hope that Jesse Brown's promised months-in-the-making investigative piece has dropped, so please link if it does! I personally do not think the CBC would be dumb enough to actually axe him for having Weird Sex, so I'm interested to see

  10. You can mock the Eagles if you like, but not on my watch, and not on my site. They know what women are like.

    “Yes, talking about racism and discrimination against Asian Americans is extremely weird without broaching how the model minority myth has been used as a weapon against both black and brown people (and, let’s not forget, non-East Asian AAPIs). But it would also be weird, in such a mainstream outlet,

  11. Alexis Coe’s past essays on history for The Toast can be found here. Alexis’ column is brought to you courtesy of a sweet and generous sponsor who wishes to be known as The Ghost of Jane Addams. Her first book, which started as an installment of “Archival Mix,” is now available!

    This will be a multi-part series on Lee Miller. Read

  12. Toasties. Ramen is the way forward.

  13. Some say the best way to get to know a city is to take a ghost tour. Most of those people are ghosts. The following is a review of ghost tours I have participated in, with analysis of the haunting level of each. Next week, The Toast will feature a piece by a ghost tour conductor!

    Lantern Ghost Tour of Boston, 2003

    Tour details: This is an evening activity for a…

  14. Previously: The Ur-Dad story.

  15. Definitely worth making a user account (for free) to read Scratch's roundtable on publishing while black (you could also subscribe, it's a great magazine): Do publishers just not think there’s an audience for work by writers of color? Jackson: No, I don’t think that’s true. I would say what’s happening in some of the larger publishing companies is that they’re publishing fewer books generally than they have in the past, and so they’re trying…