Previously: Dirtbag Zeus.
APOLLO: so do you come here to this river a lot
DAPHNE: i’m so sorry
have we met?
APOLLO: we havent met
but you know me
DAPHNE: sorry?
APOLLO: ever seen THE SUN
DAPHNE: what?
APOLLO: youre welcome
hey let me touch your skin for a while
DAPHNE: i have to
[DAPHNE turns into a tree to escape him]
APOLLO: so do you
turn into trees a lot
i’ve always thought that trees were the sexiest plant
never did it with a tree before but
[APOLLO emerges from the cave at Delphi with the body of the slain PYTHON]
APOLLO: people of Delphi
you shall be troubled no more by this beast
I have slain the giant snake that could not be brought low by mortal hands
VILLAGER #1: thank you, Apollo
VILLAGER #2: yes thank you, Lord
[APOLLO drops the snake and stretches]
APOLLO: you know what other giant snake cannot be brought low by mortal hands
APOLLO: babe i love you so much
HYACINTHUS: i love you too
[a jealous ZEPHYR blows APOLLO’s discus off-course, killing HYACINTHUS]
APOLLO: i will never forget you
APOLLO: oh fuck real quick before you go what was your name
so i can remember it forever
APOLLO: im going to call you
you look like you were probably a Hank
LETO: i’m so upset
ARTEMIS: what is it, mom
APOLLO: yeah what’s wrong
LETO: it’s Niobe, she’s insulted me
because she has fourteen children and I only have two
she thinks she’s better than me
APOLLO: she doesnt have fourteen children
LETO: what?
how do you know that?
APOLLO: because i just killed like
six of them
so she has AT MOST eight
hang on i think i can pick off the rest from here
APOLLO: man its hot out
sun’s really doing his job today
better take my shirt off
[APOLLO takes off all of his clothes]
i see you noticed me taking my shirt off
NYMPH: i didn’t say anything
APOLLO: you probably recognize me
from statues
its me
NYMPH: i dont know what you’re talking about
APOLLO: how would you like to have a flower named after you
Mallory is an Editor of The Toast.
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leider_hosen 105p · 542 weeks ago
babe ur so hot
babe wat r u doing
oh ur a tree
k, im still into it
ahahaha Apollo is THE WORST, what an asshole. This is my favorite thing.
houblonchouffe 123p · 542 weeks ago
pantone292 140p · 542 weeks ago
wanna bone
thank you
APOLLO: WOW UGH fuck EVERYTHING you are the WOOOOORST i am going to ruin everything you love!!!!!
and give you the ability to predict the future BUT no one will ever believe you
before they die
like i said everyone will die
APOLLO: quick q
in the future
do you see us boning
thescelosaurus 117p · 542 weeks ago
i know you're in charge of the moon, and it's supposed to be waning crescent tonight, or whatever
i think it's time for a full moon
if you know what i mean
ARTEMIS: [sigh]
wallpaperori 118p · 542 weeks ago
cool, right?
yeah, she and I used to have a thing
you seem good at sports
want one too?
logicbutton 128p · 542 weeks ago
[ARTEMIS skateboards in front of him, shooting seven arrows at once into the hearts of Niobe's daughters]
ARTEMIS: yoink
britomartian 138p · 542 weeks ago
aravisthequeen 134p · 542 weeks ago
APOLLO: ugh are you still going on about olives
APOLLO'S SON: dad, come on, olives are a great boon to humanity and
APOLLO: bored now
call me when you have a girl disguised as an olive tree
or a cow
i'd hit that
zachariahary 147p · 542 weeks ago
Farmer: "You know, I really am proud of this year's batch of olives. Some of the best we've had."
[Moments later]
Messenger from the Gods: "Uh, yeah. So, your groves have been burned, the earth salted, you've been cursed to eat only olives for eternity but they'll taste like ash, and your children are all goats now. And your wife is a giant eagle. And she just ate your kids."
Farmer: "...but... why?"
Messenger: "Olive hubris, dude. Look it up."
gavinbyrnes 143p · 542 weeks ago
katiemcgillicuddy 125p · 542 weeks ago
Midas: agree to disagree??
Apollo: nope, you have donkey ears now, maybe be less of an ass next time HAHA GET IT, DO YOU GET THE JOKE MIDAS
Midas: dude omg wtf
John Bailey · 542 weeks ago
Elizabeth Ross · 542 weeks ago
Apollo: Heeeeey ladies...yeah this is like really sad and all...but some little bros just can't drive a real god's chariot, if you know what I mean. [winks]
Phaethon's mom: [crying] Why didn't you save of our son!
Apollo: Whoooa! Whose son? Are you saying you and I boned? Naw bra, I remember banging Phaethon's mom, and she was a lot younger and hoter than you.
So anyway, I know you're sad and all, but your crying and moaning is really harshing my buzz. So I'm going to turn you all into weeping willows so you can be sad forever, but quietly, and away from me.
typewriterandgramophone 124p · 542 weeks ago
So I got you pregnant when you were twelve, let you think the baby died, took the baby away to my temple and sent him to be your heir in such a way that he looks like your new husband's kid who's come to take your throne, only let you know about this when you're about to kill each other, and then send my sister to explain everything because I don't want to face you. I think Athena did some heavy sisterly sighing offstage in that play.
Tee · 542 weeks ago
scullymurphy 117p · 542 weeks ago
Jeff · 542 weeks ago
Audley · 542 weeks ago
wimmer76 135p · 542 weeks ago
wimmer76 135p · 542 weeks ago
mkpatter 114p · 542 weeks ago
Also all of these paintings are SO DIRTBAGGY.
Arlette · 542 weeks ago
hey whats up
cool cool r u into gods
no reason i'm a god haha
no really im a god
you know what the celts call me
apollo cunomaglus
guess what that sounds like
Fl0ssieraptor 111p · 542 weeks ago
that I'd win every music competition ever
because everyone else sucks too hard to challenge me
Marsyas: what the hay, I'll challenge you
Apollo: this is going to suck for you when I win at music
And also being cute
*Marsyas wins competition by unanimous third party agreement*
Apollo: wow I'm pretty shocked
Actually really super shocked
Just one question though
Marsyas: Yes?
Apollo: How can you play a lyre if you don't have any skin
Marsyas...wait, what?
Apollo: Exactly
lol · 542 weeks ago
Amelia · 542 weeks ago
Olive · 542 weeks ago
MunchletteBelle · 541 weeks ago
Apollo: oh yeah?
hey what's that dot on the horizon?
bet u can't shoot it
Artemis: the hell i can't
Apollo: lol u just killed ur bestie
who's really cool now?
Artemis: o_O
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