1. 10 Reasons Robot Servants Are Going to Change the World

    57 Ways Robot Servants Can Make Your Life Easier

    50 Rejoinders to the Reluctant Adopter of Robot Servants

    30 Tasks Your New Robot Servants Can Do Better Than You

    28 Ways Robot Servants Can Assist Your Cat

    26 Small Ways You Can Help Your Robot Servants Adjust to Your Home

    22 Quirks Robot Servants Manifest Around Your Cat

  2. 1. Enrolled in the Head Start Program

    2. Wore invisible spandex to discourage opponents from riding in their slipstream

    3. Funded mountaintop removal mining 

    4. Neglected to hand signal before turning

    5. Failed to declare winnings on tax returns

    6. Competed via hologram from a SoulCycle studio

  3. Dramatis Personae John Lennon, a songwriter Yoko Ono, an artist INT. NIGHT - PENTHOUSE SUITE, THE DAKOTA, a very expensive hotel babe babe babe babe babe are you awake babe wake up what what is it babe what if we stayed in bed all day we're in bed right now no but we'll just it'll be like now but in the day why would we do that for peace, yoko ok and we could order…

  4. As far as I’m concerned, bathing suits are the problem. Bathing suits shouldn’t even exist. You should be bathing (or sunbathing?) naked (or slathered with sunscreen.) A bathing suit implies that it has no functionality, just pure decoration and I just cannot tolerate that. Swimsuits, on the other hand! Different styles (bi-, tri-, tank-, mono-, bandeau- kinis, one piece, trunks) have different advantages and disadvantages, but whatever you’re wearing, swimming is not a sport for…

  5. First of all, no one gets the personal space they deserve on a plane. Accept that right off the bat; do not sink into pity for your seatmate if he is 6'7 and convince yourself that he merits the armrest between the two of you. You are on a plane; you are bound now only by Skylaw. The rules of God and man no longer apply. Wring mercy clean from your heart. I promise that…

  6. Mallory and I are in Sedona, you'll be hearing more about that later. We got our auras read! Mostly, though, we've been eating and sitting in companionable silence gchatting each other links about serial killers while we ignore the natural beauty that surrounds us.


    If you have not yet read Jia's rant about "Rude," OR SEEN THE VIDEO, WHICH CHANGES EVERYTHING BC HE IS SO PUNCHABLE, please run over to The Hairpin…

  7. This week was a week to live forever in the hearts and minds of Toastrons. We had our one-year anniversary party, and it was splendid.

  8. Previously on Femslash Friday: Mean Girls' Lesbian Layers. A League Of Their Own is part of a cadre of movies that made up the definitely-feminist, almost-lesbian boom of the early '90s, alongside Thelma & Louise, Tank Girl, and Fried Green Tomatoes. A League Of Their Own is to a particular type of women what The Shawshank Redemption is to a particular type of man -- if it's on TV, we're going to drop whatever in order to watch…

  9. My friend M is a virologist who works for a biotech firm where it's their job to tend the robots. Last fall they completed FemSexNYC, “a sexuality workshop rooted in an anti-oppression framework for all gender identities.” Needless to say, we talk a lot about the boundaries between technology and humans and about sensuality and sexuality. Recently, we spoke by phone about robotics and erotics.

    Can you give a baseline and just

  10. In a week of awful, a bowl of cream covering a few rum-soaked lady fingers along with limoncello remind one of goodness and joy.

  11. Jen Melchert last wrote for The Toast about perfidy.

    Things you will need:

    * Electric clippers, full-size or of the "personal area" variety

    * Mirrors, lots of them

    * A lot of time. More than that. Like, eleven times as long as that.

    * Absolute solitude

    * 2-8 cups of tea, depending on how many times you repeat step 4

    So you've seen pictures of Natalie Dormer

  12. Lindsey Palka's previous work for The Toast can be found here. This post was brought to you by Caitlin.

    If you’ve spent any time at all perusing antique jewelry sales or online estate auctions, you’ve probably stumbled across—and been creeped out by—some Victorian hair jewelry. But come back! Don’t be creeped out. It’s not creepy at all—it’s actually an incredibly interesting type of jewelry that teaches us a lot about the

  13. As if this week had not been excitement enough, tomorrow I am meeting up with Nicole in Sedona (just in time for COWBOY DAYS). I may or may not just move in with her after that; I haven't decided.


    Do you love Roxane Gay and self? Would you care to see us in L.A. on August 15th? …

  14. Oh, there is a site dedicated entirely to reviewing works ("from classic works of art to absentminded doodles") that have entered the public domain, and I have only just found out about it this very minute.

  15. I sat on a plaid flannel picnic blanket in the park, my legs long in front of me, watching the sunlight dance through newly budding trees. There was still a bite in the air, and we were the only picnickers on the grass that afternoon, but I felt I could sit there for hours, resting my cheek on the little blonde head leaning against my chest, smelling her baby shampoo. 
