Posts tagged “science”

  1. As The Toast searches for its one true Gal Scientist, we will be running a ton of wonderful one-off pieces by female scientists of all shapes and sizes and fields and education levels, which we are sure you will enjoy. They’ll live here, so you can always find them. 

    First, my disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Yes, I study bones and exercise, and I do act like a know-it-all, but

  2. As The Toast searches for its one true Gal Scientist, we will be running a ton of wonderful one-off pieces by female scientists of all shapes and sizes and fields and education levels, which we are sure you will enjoy. They’ll live here, so you can always find them. 

    Last year, in response to this (really badly written) article and its title (Earth’s Water May Be Older

  3. Wait, what ants???

    Yes! I am currently employed as a research assistant in a lab with three captive colonies of leaf-cutter ants (Atta cephalotes.) These ants come from South and Central American countries and have complex social structures, which I’ll discuss later.

  4. I’m going to talk about pee. Your dirty, drug-laden pee, specifically.

  5. Helen Craig's previous work for The Toast can be found here.

    There’s a post going round Facebook that you might have seen. On one side, there’s a group of people, mostly male, many long dead. Kim Kardashian stands to their right. The caption reads: “If you don’t know who these people are, but you know who this is? Congratulations. You’re what’s wrong with the world.”

    I have never had

  6. My father was a fighter pilot. Because of this, I grew up never being able to enjoy any media that had anything at all ever to do with the military, planes, aviation, or space. There was always something done incorrectly for the sake of horrible, horrible Hollywood Magic. In true dad fashion, he couldn't let Hollywood's technical fibs slide. “Goose never could have smashed into the canopy as he ejected! That’s not how the ejection sequence works!” Now that…

  7. Itchy memories

    I had chickenpox when I was 5. At the time, I was going through a bit of a puckish phase. My parents indulged in my demands to only wear dresses. I have a vivid memory of itching my shins until blood appeared between the tiny pink hearts on the previously white tights. My sister wouldn’t get chickenpox until a few years later while on our family’s first trip to Disney…

  8. Before I start my science-story, let me tell you a little about myself. I’m working on my doctorate in evolutionary neuroscience at Emory University. My research focuses on the anatomical specializations in the human brain that support language and conceptual thought.

    “But where’s her degree?!” I hear you folks asking. Don’t worry, guys – even if I am still in grad school, I am a legit serious scientist-lady. Like we’re

  9. I really did not mean to end up on a dark energy project.

    In fact, the year I applied for jobs, it was a running joke. Inevitably every year there is some “cool” topic that you must insert into your job applications. My year it was dark energy. Studying planets? Better mention dark energy. We all chortled as we applied for all the jobs we would not get, and figured out

  10. As The Toast searches for its one true Gal Scientist, we will be running a ton of wonderful one-off pieces by female scientists of all shapes and sizes and fields and education levels, which we are sure you will enjoy. They’ll live here, so you can always find them. I got my first gel manicure last week and it was AWESOME.

  11. Recent studies have confirmed what scientists have long suspected -- the average person is not actually "bad with names," as they so often tell you, but are in fact only bad at remembering your name, specifically. "There seems to be something about your name in particular, whatever it is, that proves difficult for the average person to find in any way memorable or valuable long enough to store in their long-term memory," lead scientist Maria Kempler…

  12. Most people understand cryonics to be the freezing of bodies after death, and they're mostly correct. Cryopreservation stores biological material at an incredibly low temperature for use at a later date. The main goal of cryonics is to preserve brain functions before it's undergone irreversible damage in the hopes that technological advancements will be able to revive it in the future. This requires quick action once the heart has stopped, not to mention a relatively…

  13. As The Toast searches for its one true Gal Scientist, we will be running a ton of wonderful one-off pieces by female scientists of all shapes and sizes and fields and education levels, which we are sure you will enjoy. They’ll live here, so you can always find them.  Let’s talk about mold. Nope, not the stuff colonizing the fruit drawer…

  14. To learn about the wily bisexual, you may read this instead.

    Much has been made in recent years of Lesbian Taxonomy—personality quizzes abound, and the lexicon swells with Sapphic terminology. But despite strides in genetic sequencing, no study has yet attempted to sort the Lesbian into her proper genetic tree. This is not surprising as, like the platypus, Lesbians were long thought to be a hoax, a fever dreamt up by ladies

  15. The Oceans Are Fine And Full Mostly Of Fish And Water, With A Very Small, Normal Amount Of Plastic In Them

    Still Plenty Of Places For Us To Put Our Garbage Before We Have To Start Worrying About Anything

    There Are Over 1300 Species Of Birds In Danger Of BIRTHDAY PARTIES